5 Definitive Ways To Zap Those Blackheads

5 Definitive Ways To Zap Those Blackheads

The thing about skin is that it holds no secrets. And it quite doggedly makes an effort into fully showcasing what you’ve been eating, if your periods are around the corner or if you’ve been skipping your workout. Yes, you might get away with scarfing down an entire tub of ice cream and cheat your hips from feeling the full effects of it, but the skin, yeah, it’s taking no prisoners. It’ll throw up a pimple, bless you with lots of whiteheads and when it’s feeling particularly vengeful, it’ll trap all of the pollution in a bunch of blackheads.

Ignore the blackheads, you think, they don’t really do anything. True. But they’ll give you bumpy skin and make your skin look remarkably less glowy. So, no, we shall not give in. Power through with these 5 really easy but promising ways to zap away those blackheads.


Baking Soda

Turns out, baking soda is really versatile and it’s particularly helpful when you want to tackle pesky blackheads. Mix equal parts water and baking soda, and apply the mixture to the blackhead prone areas. Using a soft toothbrush, give the area a gentle scrub. Wash off to reveal squeaky clean skin.


Steam It Up!

You know when you go in for a facial and it’s really relaxing but then comes the extraction bit and that’s painful? Yes, that’s because your technician is really taking out the dirt from the blackheads. You can do this at home by steaming your face, and then using a tool to gently remove blackheads. By the way, there’s some real pleasure from watching all the grime come out on the tool!


Mask Away

One way to get rid of blackheads that isn’t pure torture is to mask! Yes, masks can feel like you stole in a little me-time while the ingredients in the mask dislodge the stubborn blackheads. You want to specially try ones that promise to unclog pores or clarify the skin, they work like magic on blackheads!


ALSO READ: Banish Blackheads With These 7 Natural Remedies


Strip It!

All of us know that blackheads particularly enjoy putting up on our noses, so they appear all bumpy, unclean and make all the makeup break around that area. If that’s where your blackheads are as well, attack it with nose strips. The peel off ones can be particularly potent and ripping it off can be painful but the glowy, clean nose afterwards makes it all worth it.


Take It Off

We have said this before, but never sleep with makeup on. It’s the reason these pesky blackheads happen in the first place. Makeup can clog pores and when dirt and grime get captured as well, you get blackheads. Do a double cleanse to take off really stubborn makeup. But basically, always take it off.

What’s your go-to remedy to get rid of blackheads? Let us know in the comments below.

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