On World Population Day, How Many Of These Safe Male And Female Contraceptive Methods Are You Aware Of?

On World Population Day, How Many Of These Safe Male And Female Contraceptive Methods Are You Aware Of?

July 11 is observed as World Population Day globally. This day is marked to understand the issues overpopulation gives rise to and what are the measures that can be taken to tackle the problem. As per statistics mentioned by Mind Set Co, the global population today stands at 8 billion approximately. If we think about it, the population can only be controlled through the use of contraception. People need to start having safe sex so that women do not end up conceiving if they do not want a child. And after the US struck down the Roe V Wade ruling which makes abortions illegal, I am pretty sure other countries will be following suit and implementing laws along the same lines on abortion. So, the days of having casual, carefree sex are gone! Hence, here are some male and female contraceptives you should know about and should be a part of your safe sex regime.

Male Contraceptives


Condoms always find themselves on the top of the contraceptives list. It is typically for men who have to wear a condom over their penis before they participate in penetrative sex. Flavoured condoms are also available that are to be used while participating in oral sex to prevent infections.


Vasectomy is also one of the common and safe ways to indulge in sex. In this surgical procedure, a surgeon will cut and tie the vasa deferentia (commonly called tubes) to prevent the sperm from passing to the urethra so it does not fertilise the female egg during unprotected penetrative sex.

Female Contraceptives

Female Condoms (Femidoms)

Like the male condom is rolled into the penis before sex, the female condom or femidom is placed inside the vagina. These are a bit tricky to use but are one of the methods to opt for to have safe sex.

Oral Contraceptive Pill

Like a condom is for men, the oral contraceptive pill is for women in terms of the most common contraceptive methods resorted to. When a woman pops this pill, her period cycle is changed in a way that does not allow ovulation to occur, which in turn leads to the prevention of pregnancy.

Intrauterine Device (IUD)

This is a small T-shaped divide that is inserted inside the uterus by an expert. An IUD works in a way that prevents fertilisation of the egg from taking place. Even though this sounds tricky, it is one of the safest contraceptives available and can be effective for three to 10 years depending on the type of device.

The Contraceptive Implant

A small rod is inserted under the skin of a woman’s upper arm which releases a hormone which stops the ovary from releasing the egg and thickens the cervical mucus which also prevents the sperm to travel to the uterus.

Emergency Contraception Pill

The Emergency Contraception Pill is popped by women who have had unprotected sex. This pill prevents women from getting pregnant by preventing or delaying ovulation.

Also read: Hautetalk: How Roe V Wade, Anti-Abortion Laws, Social Attitude Burdens An Already Overpopulated Word


A spermicide is a substance that kills sperm and is inserted into the vagina before participating in penetrative sex.

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Kinjal Panchal

Kinjal is an avid reader who drools over fictional men but is a hardcore realist. Don’t do anything to make her give you the ‘bombastic side eye’!

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