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World Heart Day 2022: Did You Know That Heartbreaks Can Affect You Physically? Here’s How To Deal With Them

Most of us might have experienced heartbreaks at some point of time in our lives for various possible reasons, it could be because of a failed relationship, the loss of something we wanted very much or the loss of a loved one. No matter the reason, the pain of heartbreak can be excruciating and unbearable. I think it’s genuinely one of the worst things that we have to go through, in life. It also takes a lot of time and effort for most people to move on from it.  I mean, we all have seen those movies where people suffering from heartbreaks go through the different stages of grief. They bawl their eyes out, lie awake in their beds, stop eating, eat a lot, become emotionally fragile, isolate themselves or fall into the sharp claws of depression and constantly think about what they have lost. If only like other things in movies this was also an exaggerated version of reality it would have been much easier for all of us, huh?

Well, this is precisely what most people experience in real life and this pain is so very strong. I mean, heartbreak can even change you forever and you might not be the same person you were before it. But the sucking doesn’t stop there. on top of all the emotional and psychological effects, it feels like your body physically also feels the pain of heartbreaks.

But, how could that possibly be real? I mean, the physical pain we experience must be just in our heads, right? How can emotional pain actually affect our bodies? Well, I’m sorry but sadly they do. The physiological effects of heartbreak exist and they are very bad for our health.

What Are The Physiological Effects Of Heartbreak?

The emotional pain experienced during heartbreaks is often equated with physical pain. I mean, when and if you end up experiencing heartbreak, the feelings that you feel can be equated with a feeling of your heart being ripped out of your chest. a gut-wrenching pain,  a crushing slap in the face. I mean, we would much rather prefer to be hit by a metal pole than experience a terrifying heartbreak, right? Maybe that’s why we go to such extensive lengths to avoid it at all costs including developing a fear of attachments.

Sadly enough, the physiological effects of heartbreaks can cross over to the very serious realm as well. According to Queensland Health’s research, Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy is a syndrome that can be caused by heartbreak, or more accurately, the stress of a heartbreaking situation wherein, the heart’s main pumping chamber changes shape, affecting the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively. It’s also commonly known as the ‘broken heart syndrome’. So, It’s safe to say that heartbreak truly sucks. huh?

Shockingly enough, these painful physical effects can actually be mortally wounding. A recent example of this would be the beloved monarch, Queen Elizabeth. According to a royal expert, she actually died of a broken heart. Apparently, because of the deficit or lack of happy or lovey-dovey hormones like dopamine and oxytocin, you become a pool of stressful hormones and it is as bad as it sounds. This is however a temporary heart condition and most people can resolve it naturally, with time.

So, How Should We Deal With Heartbreaks?

Well, unfortunately, there are no Band-Aids or medicines to repair a broken heart, if your heart is broken, this is a situation that you just have to go through instead of finding quick ways to brush it under the rug. There are some time-tested ways to ease the pain. Here are easy tips you can implement to make this easier to go through:

1. Don’t Be Afraid To Let It All Out

You don’t have to always put on a brave face, you have the right to feel sad and it’s healthier for you to accept what you feel. You can let it all out by talking about what you feel with someone or writing it down or simply sitting in the corner and just crying. The first step is accepting the heartbreak and your grief. 

2. Make Space For Your Loss

It is commonly suggested to distract yourself from heartbreak with work or someone or something else, to avoid feeling the pain. This isn’t the best way to move on from the pain. You cannot outrun the grief, it will still be there no matter how much you avoid it. Male space for this pain.

3. Self Care Matter A Lot

Start taking care of yourself, and do things that make you happy. Take your time and do what you love. You can shop, go on a trip, buy yourself cake or flowers, do some exercise or connect with other people you trust. Whatever works for you.

4. Acceptance Is Essential 

During this whole process of moving on, the most important thing is to accept what happened. You can reassure yourself by thinking that everything happens for a reason. And just try to be optimistic and move on. Be patient and give yourself time to learn how to feel whole again.  

Also Read: Why Is It Easy To Ignore Red Flags In Love And Relationships Rather Than Address Them?

The void created in your life because of the loss of a person or end of a relationship or even the opportunity of a different life, might never completely go. But you can always fill your heart with other experiences and memories your life has to offer. Don’t stop living your life because it didn’t turn out how you wanted it to be and your heart broke, enjoy it like a rollercoaster and “Just keep swimming” like Dory from Finding Nemo. That’s the best way forward, isn’t it?

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