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National Cancer Awareness Day: 10 Health Screenings That Women Should Undergo Every Year


Cancer is a health condition that plagues everyone around the globe. For women, the symptoms of this enemy at the early stage are usually similar to other health complications, such as changes in the breast, unexplainable weight loss, abnormal vaginal discharge, pains in the pelvis area, and many other conditions associated with us female folks, which usually make it easier to let it go and look the other way. But, the good news is that it isn’t too late, a stitch in time can definitely save nine with a few tests and screenings.

Alas, most women do not know that it is not only when they notice abnormal health conditions on their breasts or the cervical region that they must consult a gynaecologist for examination. After all, if you wait till the last moment, how will you detect cancer at its early stage? These can only be caught if women remain on the lookout and get some medical tests and screenings every year.


Wondering which these insanely important screenings and medical tests are? Here’s a comprehensive list to keep you up-to-date on all of them.

10 Essential Tests And Screenings That Women Should Get On An Yearly Basis

1. Mammogram

This refers to medical x-rays of the breast. A mammogram is perhaps the commonest screening for detecting breast cancer in the whole world. The first stage of administering an  X-ray test on your breast involves your doctor moving one of your breasts to a specific platform. Your medical examiner will place a transparent paddle on your breast to stretch it out so a clear X-ray image can emerge. Meanwhile, your doctor may need to shift positions to obtain clear images from various angles. Note that you are expected to hold your breath for a few seconds during the process. Medical studies have shown that having regular mammograms can decrease your risk of losing your life to breast cancer by a considerable percentage.

2. Breast Examinations

Lumps in the breast are a common sign of cancer of the breast. During breast examination, the medical examiner checks for lumps in your breast to ascertain that lumps are not beginning to grow in your breasts. So, check for lumps regularly and if you feel something irregular, this is the test that you must get.

3. Breast MRI

This screening is commonly used for women with a high cancer risk especially if it runs in your genes. In this screening technique, the medical expert uses (alongside a mammogram) radio waves and magnets to capture pictures of your breast to ascertain that there are no abnormal growths or conditions inside.

4. Pap Test

This screening aims to check for abnormal cells around your cervix that can result in cervical cancer. During this screening, your medical examiner will ask you to lie on a table with your hands on your legs while you allow your specialist to insert a speculum into your vagina. The medical examiner then uses a brush or scraping to collect a sample of cells and mucus from your cervix.  Be aware that you might have to bear some pain while this screening lasts. Your cells and mucus are then sent to a lab for examination to determine the probable upshoot of abnormal cells that could result in cervical cancer.

5. Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

This test basically examines the development of cervical cancer in your cervix. It can be done alongside the Pap test as the same cells collected from your cervix can be analyzed to see if there is a presence of HPV (a virus responsible for most cervical cancer cases). From age 21, women are advised to carry out this test yearly to avoid being at risk of cervical cancer which has become very common, lately.

6. CA-125

This is a blood screening used in detecting ovarian cancer. When the doctor is carrying out this screening on you, they usually carry it along with transvaginal ultrasound for a perfect examination and detection. This can help you stay updated about your ovaries.

7. Colonoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy

This screening detects colon cancer in its early stage. Colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy are camera test tubes that examine the presence of polyps (abnormal cells that result in cancer). The doctor uses colonoscopy to scan your entire colon, while the sigmoidoscopy only looks at the left side of your colon in search of possible polyps. During this screening, your doctor will administer medication that will make you feel asleep or numb, while searching for a polyp takes between 20 to 30 minutes.

8. Skin Examination

During this screening, your doctor examines your skin and checks for possible changes or strange spots in your skin. This screening will save a woman prone to skin cancer if she goes through it every year.

9. PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)

During this screening, a protein that prostate cells produce is examined to see what causes a PSA level to increase. Cancer causes the PSA level to grow, yet other conditions, like an enlarged prostate, also cause that threshold to rise. This screening can genuinely keep you updated about your chances to get cancer.

10. DRE (Digital Rectal Examination)

This screening is performed to know if lumps are present in your prostate. When performing this, you are expected to either lie on an exam table or bend forward while on your feet. The doctor inserts a lubricated, gloved finger into your rectum to examine if lumps are present in your prostate. This can keep you informed as well as safe.

Also Read: Researchers Develop ‘Two-Pronged Strategy’ That Detects Early Signs Of Breast Cancer

The above are professionally recommended health screenings every woman should undergo yearly to catch early signs of cancer. Regular check-ups are vital for maintaining good health and catching any problems early. You do not need to wait until you start feeling some strange or abnormal situations in your body chemistry before picking an appointment with a doctor. So make sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor soon, and make sure you make these screenings a yearly routine. Come on, your body needs it!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: 7 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer

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