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15 New Year Resolutions That Every Woman Should Take In 2023


It’s the end of 2022 and 2023 is waiting at the door. There are so many sad, awful, painful, confusing and simply shocking things that we have been through in the past year but it is time to let it all go and just move into the next year with a fresh layer of hope, positivity, and a confident smile. After all, we all deserve it, don’t we? The year-end also brings in the age-old tradition of making new year’s resolutions. As we move into 2023, all of us are pondering the things that we want to change in life and the resolutions that would help us reach our hopes and dreams. As women, we have a lot to desire as the new year sets in.  And so, here is a list of all the essential new year resolutions that every woman should take for a better, healthier, happier, and more peaceful 2023.

15 Resolutions That Every Woman Should Take This In 2023

1. Buy that outfit, it’s time to wear what makes you feel good to be the most fashionable version of yourself!

2. Stop caring about what others have to say. It’s time to get selfish and start living your life for yourself.

3. Build a better budget, your savings matter and they can help you achieve all of your dreams as well as keep you safe during a rainy day.

4. Don’t chase toxic bad boys, man-babies, fuckboys, and misogynist creeps. Say goodbye to toxic dating trends, it’s okay to be single in 2023.

5. Commit to a healthier sleep schedule. Your body needs the rest.

6. Prioritise annual health screenings. Your health should always come first.

7. Plan the vacation that you have been pondering about. Your peace and sanity should always matter. You deserve a break!

8. Go see a therapist. Society shouldn’t become a barrier to your mental and emotional well-being and growth.

9. Bid adieu to the toxic diet and workout culture. You do not have to fit into society’s definition of ‘beautiful’. Get in a body-positive mindset. Learn to love yourself and your body!

10. Keep clutter out of your life. Cleaning regularly can help you keep everything fresh.

11. Try new recipes every week. Your food intake should be your decision. Don’t let others tell you what you need.

12. Learn to be unapologetic, as women we’re not obliged to be kind or nice or act a certain way.

13. Unlearn some lessons taught to you by the patriarchal society. You deserve to be and feel free!

14. Start investing to make your money work for you. It could be a nice little fund for short-term goals, like a Europe trip, a car, or a designer handbag. Or it could be long-term goals, like a retirement fund or your own home. Pick your investment after going through options and understanding what serves your goals. It could be mutual funds, stocks, gold, or even property.

15. Last but not least, remember not to put down other women to uplift one. That’s just bad feminism! Queens adjust other queens’ crowns!

Also Read: 6 Sexual Health Resolutions That Everyone Needs To Make

So, go ahead and let the magic of the year’s end take over you as you celebrate, party hard and be resolute to have a much better year ahead, with these amazing and essential new year resolutions.

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