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Cher Is Dating A Man 40 Years Younger. Here Are All The Things You Should Consider Before You Commit To A Younger Man

Just a few days ago, Oscar-winning actress and singer Cher took the world by storm after she announced her relationship with music exec Alexander Edwards. But why did it take the world by storm? Well, the simple fact that the singer is 76 years old and her partner is 40 years younger than her. The singer’s relationship with the 36-year-old man was scrutinised by the internet. She was severely trolled and attacked for dating someone 40 years younger. And this isn’t the first time that she had made headlines for dating someone younger. In 2010, Vanity Fair called her “the original cougar” for her relationship history and we’re not okay with it.

To begin with, there’s nothing wrong with a woman dating a man younger than her. Men have been dating and marrying women younger than them since time immemorial and no one blinked an eyelid till women started taking some inspiration from men. Being the hopeless romantic that I am, I’d say age is just a number and love is truly blind. Numbers should never be something to consider when one decides to date. After all, love doesn’t ask, it just happens and once it happens, the heart wants what it wants and we’re just slaves to our hearts and feelings. But as a woman, dating someone younger not only needs some thinking but also some serious consideration about several factors apart from the social drama that is bound to ensue once she dates a younger man. So, here’s a list of all the things you should keep in mind if you’re planning to commit to a younger man.

1. Society Will Mind

If you plan to commit to a man younger than you, then I suggest you brace yourself for the judgement coming your way. People all around you will judge and pass comments about the age gap. It’s best to grow a thick skin and remain prepared for what is to come.

2. Your Priorities May Differ

The age gap means you’re both going to be in different stages of your lives and this can affect where you go as a couple. Your man’s priorities might be different than yours. If you’re at a place where you are settled and ready to get married or start a family, chances are that he may want to work more and build his career. This can be a problem unless both of you find a balance to make things work.

3. Your Relationship Won’t Be Welcomed

Judgement from rishtedaars is not very hard to digest but the same can be difficult to deal with when it comes from your loved ones. Don’t be surprised if your friends and family aren’t on board with your idea of dating a younger man but also take a moment to understand that it may be coming from a place of concern. So, take it with a pinch of salt and move on.

4. Brace Yourself For Insecurities

Society’s beauty standards have messed with all of us but all of this is much worse when you’re dating a younger man. Don’t be surprised if you start feeling insecure about your looks or underconfident. And it may even get worse when you see him with women from his own age group. But understand that he is with you for who you are and he’s adult enough to understand what he’s doing. Also, just because the other women around him are younger than you, it doesn’t mean that you’re less beautiful or attractive.

5. Your Experiences Won’t Be The Same

Accept the fact that your life experiences and love lives are different from each other. You have lived longer and in a different time than him which means that his life experiences in general and with other women are different than yours. So, use this to your advantage and strengthen your relationship instead of allowing it to take a toll.

6. Sex Drives Won’t Match Either

It’s not uncommon for people to have different sex drives but this gap widens when there’s an age gap. A younger man may have a higher sex drive than you which means that you’ll have to not only keep up with him but also be prepared to experiment. The best way to deal with this is to try and enjoy this time. Not only will it make you feel younger but it’ll give you an opportunity to explore your body and open you up to new experiences and different kinds of pleasure.

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7. You’ll Wear The Pants

If he’s much younger than you, chances are that he’s not yet settled in his career meaning that you’re going to be the man of the house and run the show. This also means that you’ll be the one wearing the pants in the relationship so before you dive into this relationship headfirst, evaluate if you’re okay with it and more importantly, ensure that you’re not being exploited and this person actually loves you and isn’t there for the fun.

8. Emotional Maturity Might Be An Issue

Our society has been babying men in all possible ways. We’ve all heard the saying “boys will be boys” and that’s probably why he’s had a much stunted emotional growth. While this may not be true for all men, it is true for a majority of them and I’m in no way blaming men for it (society is at fault TBH) but this means that you’ll have to ensure that you either okay with dealing with his emotional immaturity or he’s emotionally mature enough for your taste. Also, understand that he will learn and grow eventually provided you give him the room to grow but try not to become his therapist or his parent. Teaching him how to be emotionally mature is not your job.

Also Read: 5 Horrible Things Couples With A Wide Age Gap Are Often Told. We Need To Stop

Having said that, accept that society won’t change anytime soon and you don’t have to change for society. Love who you love and live how you want to live. Life is too short to let society poke its nose into your beautiful love life.

Image Source: Twitter/Instagram

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