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Women On Reddit Reveal 7 Ways Sexism Took A Toll On Their Careers. It’s Absolutely Heartbreaking!


Sexism at work is like a pesky bug that won’t leave you alone—it’s annoying, frustrating, and seems to be everywhere. It’s rare to come across a profession that isn’t affected by gender bias, even if it’s subtle. I’ve discussed this issue with my friends, and hearing about them being unfairly judged based on their gender is disheartening. Especially for women trying to build their careers, dealing with gender bias can feel like trying to swim against a strong current. We looked into what women on Reddit had to say, and here are 10 ways sexism has affected their professional lives:

1. Stealing Ideas

Many women talked about how their male coworkers often steal their ideas and take credit for them. It’s like playing a game where someone else wins with your moves. Imagine you doing this to a man. The amount of blaming and ugly talk you’d hear, it’s crazy. Honestly, it’s just straight-up pathetic, makes me feel sorry for the ones stealing them.

byu/janebusch5 from discussion


2. Pink Tax, Blue Wages

Women often end up paying more money for things like car repairs, home maintenance and even menstrual products just because they’re women. It’s like they’re getting a double dose of unfairness—being paid less at work and then getting charged more when they need stuff fixed. It’s just not right.

byu/janebusch5 from discussion


3. Getting Stuck In The Same Job

It’s already hard enough to move up in the business world, but when you throw gender bias into the mix, it’s like trying to climb Mount Everest wearing high heels. Women opened up about being overlooked for promotions in favour of men who aren’t as qualified, which keeps them stuck at the bottom of the career ladder. Never knew all you need to be successful is to a specific gender.

byu/janebusch5 from discussion

byu/janebusch5 from discussion

Also Read: This Twitter Thread Lists All The Bare Minimum Things Women Want Men To Do Instead Of Cribbing About Their “High Standards”

4. Being Treated Differently After Having Kids

Women talked about facing discrimination after they decided to have kids. Apparently, it made them less focused on their work. It’s like being punished for having a family. For many women, the decision to start a family comes with a side order of career setbacks. Maternity leave discrimination, the dreaded mommy track, and the assumption that motherhood equals decreased commitment to work all conspire to hold women back professionally.

byu/janebusch5 from discussion

byu/janebusch5 from discussion

5. Getting Stuck With “Girl” Tasks

Women often get stuck doing things like planning office parties or cleaning up after meetings, even if it’s not part of their job. It’s like being the office maid instead of a valued employee. Whether it’s planning office parties, taking meeting notes, or cleaning up after the team, women often find themselves saddled with administrative tasks that have little to do with their job descriptions. I mean, aren’t they a little too qualified for running coffee errands?

byu/janebusch5 from discussion


byu/janebusch5 from discussion


6. Judged On Looks, Not Skills

Women talked about being judged more on how they look than on how good they are at their jobs. It’s like being told you’re not good enough because of what you wear or how you do your makeup. The pressure to look a certain way can overshadow a woman’s professional accomplishments. From being judged for their wardrobe choices to facing scrutiny over their makeup skills, women often find themselves walking a tightrope between professionalism and societal beauty standards.

byu/janebusch5 from discussion

byu/janebusch5 from discussion

Also Read: Twitter User Points Out How “Convicted” Men Are “Exceptions” But “Accused” Women Are “Examples”. We Can Smell Hypocrisy From Here!

7. Not Being Able To Speak Up

In the workplace, when women show confidence, they’re often called names like “bossy” or “aggressive” instead of being seen as assertive. It’s like walking through a field full of hidden dangers based on what people think women should be like. If they speak up too much, they get punished for it.

byu/janebusch5 from discussion

Honestly, these stories are just plain sad and totally unfair. Despite all the progress women have made, it’s like we’re still stuck in the past with this gender bias. And it’s not just in one area – it’s everywhere you look. And let’s not forget the gender roles society loves to shove down our throats from day one. It’s like society can’t shake off these old-fashioned ideas about what men and women should do. It’s like we’re trapped in this never-ending cycle of stereotypes and expectations.

You’d think with all the learning going on, people would wise up, right? But nope, it’s like some folks missed the memo on treating everyone with respect. But given that men are so busy mansplaining women how to live their lives and how to carry out their chores, they don’t seem to have the bandwidth or the time to learn things that would actually benefit their character.

Twitter User’s Learning From Having A Male Business Partner Proves That Women Can Never Escape Workplace Sexism


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