This Twitter Thread Lists All The Bare Minimum Things Women Want Men To Do Instead Of Cribbing About Their “High Standards”

This Twitter Thread Lists All The Bare Minimum Things Women Want Men To Do Instead Of Cribbing About Their “High Standards”

We women are often told to lower our standards or we “won’t find anyone” to marry us or date us. A large number of men also feel put down by the “high standards” that women have in terms of what they want in a partner. But come to think of it, we’re not asking for too much, are we, now? As much as men cry about how women have demands and a list of qualities and we do, why shouldn’t we? A friend of mine once told me that her ex never got her flowers and that’s fine but get this, he never got her flowers even after she explicitly told him that she WANTS him to get her flowers. Now, there’s a woman making her man’s life easy by telling him EXACTLY what she wants and if he still fails, do you really blame us for having “high standards”? I mean what is it with the incompetency, yaar? If we are to spend our entire life with someone, we don’t want someone who cannot even do the bare minimum even after being told to. The truth is that most women don’t want expensive things as gifts from their men, they want simple things and gestures that show that he cares. And for all those of you who still don’t get it, this Twitter user has listed all the “free” things that a man can do to make a woman happy.

Taking to Twitter, a user shared that she is “tired of men acting persecuted by women’s ‘high’ standards” and went on to list things that men can do to make women happy without spending a penny. And TBH, this Twitter thread just resonates with all of us women out here. The Twitter user said that a man can cook a simple meal like dal chawal maybe once a week and he doesn’t have to make it a date or like a special favour. The user further urged men to compliment their woman when she’s getting dressed without making it sound like a joke and sing her a song or dedicate it to her for that matter.

Listing more things, the Twitter user said that it would be nice if men would do something as simple as watching a film with the women in their lives and try to understand the genre they like and why they like it. The user, who we’re sure is a woman, urged men to click actual candid pictures of the woman in their lives to make them feel special and send them memes and funny posts. The user suggested that men pay more attention to the likes and dislike of their partner as it will help them figure out what to gift her on her birthday or their anniversary.

Another gift that the user suggested men gift their woman is good sex. The Twitter user urged men to learn about it if they don’t know and do their research. Further, the user said that men can contribute and make their women happy by parenting their children which is much more valuable than anything money can buy. Apart from this, the user recommended men share chores like dusting, cleaning the bathroom, washing dishes, doing laundry and clearing her schedule and asking her to go out with HER friends.

We’re not asking for too much, are we, now? The Twitter user also listed simple good behaviour that men can put on to make a woman happy like not making sexist jokes, respecting her parents, not allowing their family to diss her family or disrespect her, helping her during family dinners or when guests are over, control their temper, etc.

Well, really, all this is just the bare minimum. We can’t lower our standards anymore! And this Twitter user made that abundantly clear. She (assuming she’s a she) pointed out that men refuse to do the bare minimum so what else can they really offer a woman while adding that they want a “robot” with no personality who can act on their command and remain in a corner after she’s done all her chores.

TBH, this Twitter thread speaks our heart. We have time and again seen men flauting their male privilege and failing to do the bare minimum yet expecting women to not be upset. Ab toh samajh jao yaar! Making a woman happy is not very hard if men can do the bare minimum and respect the woman instead of sitting in their privileged place and assuming that getting her an expensive gift is going to make her happy. Well, no buddy, get your ass off that couch and lend her a hand instead of ordering her around. Maybe that will actually make her happy! Diamonds may be our best friends but a man who can be a 50-50 partner is something we’d prefer. And if ya’ll can’t do the bare minimum, we’ll settle for nothing less than. Psst…maybe I’ll settle for diamonds but loads of ’em.

Janvi Manchanda

​​She uses her pen to slice through patriarchy. She could be Geet one day, Wednesday Addams next. Writing is the bane of her existence and the object of all her desires!

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