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Jennifer Lopez Felt Like She Would Die After Breakup With Ben Affleck. 6 Tips To Deal With Heartbreak When Your World Comes Crashing Down

Love stories give us hope that we’ll find our “the one” but heartbreaks are the life lessons we often receive. I’ve always believed that love comes at a cost and the price we pay often begins much much before we even find love. We pay for love with heartbreaks and pain. In order to find our “the one” we have to kiss a lot of frogs and that usually ends with us feeling heartbroken. In a recent interview with Apple Music 1, Jennifer Lopez opened up about how heartbroken she felt when she called off her engagement to Ben Affleck in 2004. Speaking about it, the singer and actress said that it was the “biggest heartbreak” of her life. She revealed that calling off her wedding to the actor was extremely painful and she felt like she was going to die. She further added that the heartbreak sent her on a spiral for the next 18 years and she just couldn’t get it right during that time until she reunited with Ben Affleck and then decided to tie the knot.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck may have had a happy ending but not everyone has it. Heartbreaks can be extremely painful to the point where your throat constricts and your chest physically hurts and it begins to feel like the world around you is crashing. The pain and the hopelessness are real. Once you’ve had a heartbreak, the world, as you once knew it, changes. That overwhelming feeling of sadness and it feels like your world has come to a halt and your life has turned upside down. Breakups can suck us into a dark place of pain, grief and sadness and walking out of that tunnel is never easy. Your life suddenly feels empty without that one person who meant the world to you. A heartbreak can make you feel empty, sad, hopeless and unloved. It makes one question why they cannot find love that never leaves them and a happy ending. But that’s just life. And getting out of this dark place full of pain can be really really tough but it’s not impossible. I promise you, I know what you’re feeling (been there, done that) and I also know exactly what can help. Now, I’m not saying you’ll suddenly start feeling better but maybe some of these things can help you kickstart the process of healing, but moving on is a long road that you have to travel alone.

Here Are Some Tips To Help Kickstart Healing After A Breakup That Makes You Feel Like The World Is Ending.

1. Cry It Out

This pain isn’t going to just vanish so, feel free to just cry it out. It’s important to grieve this loss and the best way to let it all out is to cry as much as you want. But make sure to stay away from alcohol. You don’t want to drunk text or call your ex only to feel like crap about it the next day. Feel free to call your loved ones and friends over and binge on ice cream, watch sappy films and cry your heart out. It’s okay to be a blubbering mess in order to vent your pain. Do it for a whole weekend or even if you need a week take it. And even after that if you want to come home from work and cry your eyes out, understand that it’s completely alright. It’s a part of healing.

2. Workout And It’ll All Work Out!

Our self-esteem often takes a hit when we go through a breakup or heartbreak and that’s why it’s important to do something to make yourself feel better. One of the best ways to do so is to look better. So, hit the gym or find a workout routine to stick to. And we all know revenge bod can work wonders for our mental health and heal our hearts! This will also help you have a fixed routine, keep you busy and help you channel your pain and emotions into doing something more productive.

Also Read: Did You Know That Heartbreaks Can Affect You Physically?

3. Get To Work

This isn’t the most healthy way of dealing with your pain in the long run but it can help you take your mind off the pain and do something that makes you feel better. Bury yourself in work for a little while but not too long. Don’t try to drown in work and bottle up your emotions. It’s okay to keep yourself busy with work and come home and cry. Your work will serve as a distraction till the pain begins to numb a little. Understand and accept that you will feel empty every now and then and there’s nothing you can do about it. It’ll get better eventually.

4. DO NOT Get Under Someone!

As the saying goes, “the best way to get over someone is to get under someone” but that’s not how things work. I know you feel like crap and it feels like someone ripped your heart out of your chest but getting under someone else isn’t going to help you. It may feel good for a bit but eventually, you’ll feel crappy and a little more empty. Before you get back into the dating market or start hooking up, take the time to accept your situation and more importantly, learn to be okay with being single. Love yourself a little more before you find someone else to love or make love to.

5. Spend Time With Your Loved Ones

The best way to distract yourself is not to party, get drunk and hook up. Instead just spend time with your loved ones, family and friends. Find little joys in life and a reason to smile. Go out and party every once in a while but don’t make it your plan for every weekend. Being around your loved ones can make you feel loved enough to learn to be okay with being by yourself.

6. Dress Up!

Heartbreaks can make you feel like death and getting out of bed is also a HUGE task in itself but you just need to push yourself a little. This may seem petty and shallow but I promise you, doing something as simple as getting out of bed and dressing up for yourself will make you feel a whole lot better. If nothing else, it’ll make you feel proud of your own self for having strength.

Also Read: Woman Asks The Internet If Taking ‘Heartbreak Leave’ Should Be Valid. We Kinda Think Yes!

Having said all that, let me tell you this, it may feel like your world has come crashing down and ended but you’ll be fine. Heartbreaks can help you see the strength you did not know you had. It may hurt like hell but it’ll make you stronger and chances are it’ll happen again someday but now, you know how to deal with it. Heartbreaks are painful but they’re a part and parcel of our lives. We cannot run away from this pain that comes with love so, we might as well learn to deal with it in a healthy manner instead.

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