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Cyber Security Month: 5 Cyber Security Tips That Every Woman Should Follow To Stay Safe Online


These days social media is a replacement for long calls with friends and family to update each other about our lives. Everyone is connected to each other directly or indirectly via this medium of communication and this has changed the way we interact with each other. Now, as amazing as social media is, it comes with its share of problems. According to many studies, most users of social media are women. This is completely plausible because of the innate need women have, to share details of their lives with others. You must have experienced this when you need to tell your friends about your recent trip or about a guy you have been seeing, etc. And this where the need for cyber security comes in. 

This want of ours to showcase our life feeds the social media platforms. This is because someone out there might use your details for malicious purposes. Women are usually the prime targets of cybersecurity-related attacks like stalking, phishing, etc. It’s important to be safe while we enjoy this new freedom to express ourselves. So, every woman should follow these 5 cyber security safety measures to stay protected from any attacks. 

5 Cyber Security Tips That Every Woman Should Follow

1. Never Share Your Password With Anyone

This might sound like the most basic thing, but despite everyone knowing the importance of not sharing your password we tend to sometimes do exactly that. You shouldn’t even share your password with someone you trust because they might further share it, accidentally or purposely, with someone who might harm you. It’s better to be safe than sorry. It’s also important to have a complicated password and change it once in a while. 

2. Reveal Only What Is Necessary

Many times we tend to share important and private information with people we meet on the internet. Many people use dating apps or social media apps to target women and get their private information which they can later use to blackmail you, stalk you or steal from you. We need to be super careful of how much we disclose about ourselves.

3. Don’t Be In A Rush To Upload

Sometimes our candid pictures are just so beautiful that it’s hard to resist uploading them. But we need to realise that those candid pictures give a lot of information from who we are with to our current location. This information can be used by someone keen on harming you. It’s important to scrutinize our pictures carefully and not be in a hurry to upload them to avoid giving real-time updates. 

4. Most Freebie Links Are A Scam

Avoid clicking on links offering unbelievably amazing offers unless you are sure of their authenticity. It’s the most common way to trap you in a cyber attack, these links can be a medium to upload a virus on your electronic device which can do you so much harm. We need to be extra cautious in the world of the internet.

5. Webcams Are Windows To Your Life

These webcams can be hacked into by anyone to monitor your day-to-day life. This is not only creepy but also highly dangerous for your physical, and financial safety. Always remember to switch or disconnect the webcam after usage, you can also block the webcam by applying opaque tape to it. It’s important to not be careless with our safety. 

Also Read: CBSE Introduces A Handbook On Cyber Safety For Students Which Talks About Revenge Porn And Consent. This Was Needed

These are some ways we can protect ourselves, but the digital world is evolving every second and cyber attacks are becoming more and more common. To stay on top of it we need to keep an eye out of what is happening around us and always be cautious on the internet. Take precautions to avoid any kind of vulnerability. If used safely, the internet is one of the greatest inventions of mankind so, just have fun exploring.

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