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10 Hacks To Drink More Water Everyday!

Everyone talks about how much water we should be having. How it is amazing for our body and our mind and intestines and all that. What no one does is tap us on the shoulder to remind us to take a sip. A big ask, you say? Perhaps, but given that most of us don’t end up drinking as much water as we should, maybe this should be a thing.

But hey, we have got your back, No we don’t actually have people who will remind you to drink water but we have some hacks that will help you out. Sip away ladies!

1. Set a specific goal for the day and track it

Setting a goal and tracking it is vital to ensure you stay on top of it. Use an app or a water bottle with markers on it to track your progress throughout the day. It will also motivate you to surpass your goal from the previous day or week! A great marker is also the number of times you have to visit the loo, though this is way less scientific.

2. Invest in a cute water bottle

Buy a cute water bottle that will make you WANT to drink water often just to show off your bottle. We have curated a list of cute water bottles that you would absolutely adore, just the way we do!

3. Infuse your water

Drinking plain ol’ water can get pretty boring! Make it yummy by infusing it with your favorite flavours like berries, lemon, cucumber, mint, etc. Here are 5 awesome infused water ideas that you will love! Also, it can add some subtle flavours which might just keep you sipping.

4. Drink a glass during every bathroom break

Make it a rule to drink a glass every time you go to the bathroom. The more you drink, the more you will pee, it’s a win-win!

5. Hydrate with water-based fruits and veggies

There are several water-based fruits and veggies like watermelon, cucumber, lettuce, zucchini, tomatoes, etc. Snack on them regularly to get your dose of hydration from it. Like water you can eat!

6. Play a drinking game with your colleagues

Oh silly, not that Friday night drinking game at bar near your office. I’m talking about a water drinking game to see who has the most amount of water during the 9 to 5 grind. Call it water pong or something!

7. Order water-based drinks

Teas and a perfect way to have water throughout the day without the added sugar and fizz!

8. Order something spicy

Spicy food always calls for litres of water to wash it down! A great hack to have more water is to order spicy food, so while you enjoy the delicious taste you get to have your water intake for the day taken care of as well.

9. Dilute your drinks with ice

In order to avoid a saturated sugary drink, dilute them with ice in order to increase the water content in it. So now you can have more of it without a drop of guilt!

10. Don’t gulp, just keep sipping on water

In order to avoid that feeling of having too much water, sip on it throughout the day. Have more water in smaller quantities as it is easier for your body to absorb it as well.

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