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7 Misconceptions About “Healthy” Food That You Need To Stop Believing RN

When it comes to food, what most people fail to realise that it isn’t about losing weight or looking slim. It is about staying healthy and being aware of what you put into your body. Over the years, people started giving their weight more importance than their nutrition levels. Which is not only wrong but also dangerous. To support this theory of theirs, they’re now multiple misconceptions about food and its nutrients. Which, let’s face it, has not done anyone any good! So I think it is high time we take down some of these misconceptions, don’t you?

1. Fats make you fat

Let’s get something straight, healthy fats such as the ones found in nuts, whole eggs, olive oil, and chia seeds make up a vital component of your diet. These are the ones that keep you feeling full and give a sheen to your hair and skin. On the other hand, you have ‘bad fats’ which are found in the form of saturated or trans fatty acids in all your junk food, desserts etc. It is this kind that you should avoid since it is actually bad for you. Healthy fats should be consumed in small amounts every day. So no! All kinds of fats do not make you fat!

2. Carbs are your enemies

A widely believed misconception that has stemmed from the many diets that have made carbs the enemy. We are here to set it right. Carbs might have a terrible reputation, but they aren’t all that bad. Sure, smothering a fried potato with butter and cheese can’t be good for your system. But you can’t eliminate an entire macronutrient from your diet just because other people say they lost weight instantly. Carbohydrates, if you eat it in the correct form and quantity give you all the energy you need. You can eat them in the right form in milk, fruits, sweet potato and whole grains.

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3. Fresh produce is better than canned produce

Another popularly believed misconception. Yes, when it is grown, fresh produce obviously has way more nutrients, but all those nutrients are lost by the time they reach a farmer’s market or your local grocery store. Whereas, canned produce is frozen when it is fresh. Hence, freezing all the nutrients as well before they can wash away. This is why your canned carrots might actually be more nutritious than the ones you just bought. Who knew?

4. Diet food is healthier

Have you ever bought a jar of mayonnaise because it read “diet-friendly” or “fat-free”? We all have! For the longest time, we were all under the impression that when a label reads “sugar-free” it is actually fat-free. This couldn’t be farther from reality though. “Sugar-free” usually means that a whole lot of chemicals have been added into the mix to create that artificial sweetness. While fat-free usually means saturated sugar has been mixed into the product to make it taste better. If you really want products that are sugar-free or fat-free, always check the ingredients before adding them to your cart. And while we are on this, another thing that is a complete no-no is diet soda. There is nothing diet about it!

5. Juices are a great substitute for fruits

I’ve never been a fruit person, so I would juice every fruit thinking it was giving me all the nutrients of the whole fruit. I learned recently that I couldn’t have been more wrong. Juices give you maybe 20% of the whole fruit’s health factor. They are stacked with sugar but lack the essential nutrients like fibre. So stick to eating the fruits rather than juicing them out!

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6. Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar

This belief started around the 2000s and it persists strongly to date. People are ready to swear by brown sugar. Brown sugar is nothing but white sugar with molasses reintroduced into it. It still counts as slow poison for your body. Though, thanks to the molasses, brown sugar has a few more minerals. But the  health difference between the two- yup, negligible.

7. Organic Food is more nutritious

If the label reads “organic,” or “All-natural” it must be the healthier option, right? Wrong.  Though organic food might include fewer pesticides and chemicals, they still contain plenty of saturated fats and processed sugars. As a rule of thumb, read the ingredients before buying anything organic. While organic fruits and vegetables might be better than their counterparts, organic packaged food is most definitely not. Beware!

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