What Is Dermaplaining? Is It Better Than Shaving Your Face?

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What Is Dermaplaining? Is It Better Than Shaving Your Face?

Looking for a way to achieve a smoother and more radiant complexion? If you’re curious about dermaplaning, you’re not alone. This facial hair removal technique has been gaining popularity in recent years, leaving many people wondering if it’s worth the hype. But what exactly is dermaplaning and how does it differ from shaving your face? So here’s everything you need to know about dermaplaning.

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dead skin cells and fine facial hair, also known as peach fuzz. The procedure is typically performed by a trained aesthetician or dermatologist and can be done in-office or at home with the right tools.

The benefits of dermaplaning are said to include smoother, brighter, and more even-toned skin. By removing the top layer of dead skin cells, dermaplaning allows for better product penetration, which means your skincare products can work more effectively. It can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.

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How Is Dermaplaning Done?

If you decide to try dermaplaning, there are a few things to keep in mind. It’s important to make sure your skin is clean and free of any oils or products before beginning the procedure.

The aesthetician or dermatologist will use a scalpel to gently scrape your skin at a 45-degree angle, removing the top layer of dead skin cells and hair. The procedure is typically painless and should take around 30 minutes to complete. After dermaplaning, it’s important to keep your skin hydrated and protected from the sun. Your aesthetician or dermatologist will likely recommend using a gentle moisturizer and wearing sunscreen to protect your skin from further damage.

Is Dermaplaning Better Than Shaving?

While dermaplaning and shaving may seem similar, they are actually quite different. Shaving uses a razor to cut hair at the surface of the skin, while dermaplaning removes hair and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin.

One of the benefits of dermaplaning over shaving is that it is a gentler process. Shaving can sometimes cause irritation and razor burn, while dermaplaning is less likely to cause these issues. Additionally, dermaplaning is said to offer more benefits than shaving, as it removes dead skin cells along with the hair. However, it’s important to note that dermaplaning is not for everyone. Those with active acne or sensitive skin may experience irritation or inflammation from the procedure. It’s always best to consult with a dermatologist before trying any new skincare procedure.

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The Verdict?

So, is dermaplaning better than shaving your face? While dermaplaning offers a gentler and more comprehensive approach to facial hair removal and skin exfoliation, it may not be the best option for everyone. Always consult with a dermatologist before trying any new skincare procedure to ensure that it’s right for you.

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Sakshi Singh

She’s a skincare junkie, a fashion fiend, and a creative tornado in one package. Off-duty, either she is shopping or baking up yum!

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