Makeup Artist Shares Expert Tips On Makeup Application For Different Skin Types. We’re Taking Notes!

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Makeup Artist Shares Expert Tips On Makeup Application For Different Skin Types. We’re Taking Notes!

Getting a flawless makeup look on textured skin can be a real struggle? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of products, unsure of what works best for your skin type? Well, fear not! We sat down with Saikat Chakraborty, National Artist at MAC Cosmetics India, to get the scoop on how to apply makeup for different skin types and his secrets for a makeup look that lasts all day. So, how does Saikat approach makeup application for different skin types? Let’s dive in.

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For those with oily skin, Saikat emphasizes the importance of not over-moisturizing. Instead, opt for water or gel-based moisturizers to provide lightweight hydration without adding excess oil. He recommends using silicone primers like Studio Fix Mattefine Primer to control oil and blur imperfections, creating a smooth canvas for makeup application. When it comes to tools, brushes are preferred over blenders for oily skin, as they help massage skin prep products and base products seamlessly into the skin. Saikat also suggests using waterproof or water-resistant formulas for long-lasting wear, especially in the T-zone, which should be powdered well to maintain an oil-free look throughout the day.

For those with dry skin, Saikat recommends moisturizers with a thicker consistency to combat dry patches and dehydration. Blenders are his tool of choice for dry, dehydrated skin, as they push products into the skin for a smooth finish and impeccable blend. Hydration is key, so choosing products with high moisture content ensures makeup stays put and the skin remains hydrated from within. Saikat advises minimal and strategic powder placement to avoid over-mattifying the skin, which can dull its natural glow and shine.

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When asked about achieving a no-makeup look, Saikat stresses the importance of skincare as the foundation of any makeup routine. Prepping the skin with the right products sets the stage for a flawless finish. He recommends focusing on enhancing natural features rather than masking them, using lightweight formulas and sheer coverage to create a fresh-faced appearance.

Mastering makeup application for different skin types requires understanding your skin’s needs and selecting products and techniques that cater to them. With Saikat’s expert tips, achieving a flawless makeup look is within reach for everyone. So, grab your brushes and blenders, and get ready to slay!

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Sakshi Singh

She’s a skincare junkie, a fashion fiend, and a creative tornado in one package. Off-duty, either she is shopping or baking up yum!

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