These 7 Women From Star Wars Are The Ultimate Badasses!

Princess Leia Organa - A fearless leader and skilled warrior who fights against the Empire.

Rey Skywalker - A strong and determined scavenger who becomes a Jedi and fights against the First Order.

Ahsoka Tano - An expert Jedi Padawan who defies the Jedi Order and becomes a powerful warrior.

Jyn Erso - A brave and rebellious criminal who leads a team to steal the Death Star plans.

Sabine Wren - A skilled Mandalorian warrior who fights against the Empire and is a bomb expert.

Padmé Amidala - A skilled politician and fighter who fights for the liberation of her people.

Asajj Ventress - A fierce and cunning Sith assassin who rose to become one of the most powerful female villains in the Star Wars universe.

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