Reddit Men Share How They Missed Obvious Signs From Interested Girls. And They Want Us To Make The First Move!

Kya first move samjhega re tu!
Reddit Men Share How They Missed Obvious Signs From Interested Girls. And They Want Us To Make The First Move!

It has been a thing for quite some time now that girls are usually not the ones who made the first move on a guy. And I would like to clarify that #NotAllGirls are like this, and there are some shernis who are go-getters, too! But generally, a lot of girls do not prefer to make the first move. A lot of men also tend to complain about how they never get to be on the receiving end of the first move, and there is a good reason for that. Because tumhari fatt jaati hai when a girl genuinely shows interest in you! I came across a Reddit thread where men shared how they reacted when a girl made the first move, and I facepalmed really hard!

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The Reddit thread asked men what were the most obvious signs a girl gave of her being interested in them but they ended up missing it. The responses really made me wonder if this is how blind men are going to be then I guess, they will have to keep making the first move for generations to come!

What’s the most obvious hint a girl was interested in you but you missed all the signs? Reddit Stories #66 (from r/AskReddit)
by u/firstnamepalindrome in IndiaTrending

One of the men replied saying how a girl asked him out on an ice cream date and suggested a long drive after where they would romantically hold hands. But this man, instead of “man mei laddo foota” asked her how will he change gears if he is holding hands with her. Sigh.

by u/International_Iron44 from discussion What’s the most obvious hint a girl was interested in you but you missed all the signs? Reddit Stories #66 (from r/AskReddit)
in IndiaTrending

Another man wrote about how a girl who wrote her number on his notebook in school but he NEVER checked the last page.

by u/Economy_Sock_4045 from discussion What’s the most obvious hint a girl was interested in you but you missed all the signs? Reddit Stories #66 (from r/AskReddit)
in IndiaTrending

Another man mentioned how was studying with a girl in her room who later went ahead to close the door. Pretty obvious, right? But no, he did not make any move but juts continued studying!

by u/tryggvi747 from discussion What’s the most obvious hint a girl was interested in you but you missed all the signs?
in AskReddit

The following responses below made me groan in frustration thinking how clueless men can be, God!

by u/rcowie from discussion What’s the most obvious hint a girl was interested in you but you missed all the signs?
in AskReddit

by u/iamStanhousen from discussion What’s the most obvious hint a girl was interested in you but you missed all the signs?
in AskReddit

by u/iamStanhousen from discussion What’s the most obvious hint a girl was interested in you but you missed all the signs?
in AskReddit

by u/The68Guns from discussion What’s the most obvious hint a girl was interested in you but you missed all the signs?
in AskReddit

by u/uncultured_swine2099 from discussion What’s the most obvious hint a girl was interested in you but you missed all the signs?
in AskReddit

by u/nukomyx from discussion What’s the most obvious hint a girl was interested in you but you missed all the signs?
in AskReddit

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These stories prove how some men cannot even read the sign even if it was written in big bold black letters. So, ladies, only put in the efforts if you think the guy is worth it. Varna *Uday bhai’s gesture from Welcome*

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Kinjal Panchal

Kinjal is an avid reader who drools over fictional men but is a hardcore realist. Don’t do anything to make her give you the ‘bombastic side eye’!

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