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How To Strike A Balance Between The BFF And The Boyfriend


You’ve finally met the love of your life, everything is roses and violins and you’re ready to spend every waking moment looking at your man. But midst all this, let’s not forget the girls. You know, the ones that hold your hair while you threw up, the ones who watched you sniffle through a breakup while you repeated the stories on loop and the ones who put you in a decent dress when you were going on your first date. Those are the ones keeping around.  You certainly don’t want to upset the ones who’ve been around longer than the current beau on your sleeve. Here are a few ways to help you maintain that bestfriend-boyfriend balance when it looks like you simply can’t manage.


1.  Divide and rule

By which we mean, your time. Prioritize, schedule and assign days to your Bae and your BFFs. Let there be some order in the house!

2. Clear the air

Share the importance your best friends hold in your life to your significant other from Day 1. Let him know of things that sacred to you, like catching the first day first shows of a Marvel movie or making that semi-annual trip with your girls. Give the guy a heads up of what he’s getting into, at least!

3. Avoid rain checks

No matter how tired you are, and how enticing the idea of cancelling and staying in bed feels,  avoid  rain checks. It will only widen the gap between you and your friends/boyfriend that you must otherwise try to bridge.

4. Honesty is the best policy

Let’s face it, there will come times when you’ll be in a fix and would have to make the inevitable choice between the two. The best way around it, is always to be honest about your feelings and simply make them understand why you did what you did. You’d be surprised (and lucky) to find how understanding they can be.

5. Hang out together

Try taking your best friends and your boyfriend out together. Let them know each other, let them drink together  and then cross your fingers and hope they don’t mind sharing you with the other as much!

6. Put that phone down

Try to devote yourself to the moment. Be all present during that date night or that girls-night-in. The best way to keep both the parties happy is to realise that they need more than your physical presence. They need all your attention, ALL of it.

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