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Bisexual Visibility Month: 5 Things To Keep In Mind While Dating A Bisexual Person


Look back and think about the time Katy Perry decided to declare that she had kissed a girl and liked it. It became a big controversy because the idea of bisexuality at play made barely any sense to people back then. But, we’ve come a long way. Every year, September is celebrated as Bisexuality Visibility Month and we talk about the bucket of contempt, disregard, stigma and dislike that is directed towards the bisexual community.

We also talk about how society could go about rectifying this viewpoint and situation, for the betterment of the bisexual community. But, we rarely discuss how we can individually work on the same, especially in the sphere of romantic relationships. You see, when we date bisexual people, as their partners, we too can help them feel connected, appreciated and beloved. Here are some things to keep in mind to make sure that we do so.

5 Things To Keep In Mind While Dating A Bisexual Person

1. Bisexual People Deserve To Feel Affirmed And Understood Too

When you date a bisexual person, it’s very essential to understand that their sexuality and identity mean a lot to them. They have spent their lives proving who they are and it’s time to stop. Since they’re dating you and trust you, it’s time to make them feel at home, with you. Ask questions and research, and try to make sure that you understand their sexuality, to show how much they matter.

2. Understand That Bisexuality Isn’t A Phase


A lot of people wonder if bisexuality is in fact, either just an experimenting phase back towards being heterosexual or just, a transitioning phase towards being homosexual. This, in fact, isn’t true. There is no threshold to meet for people to qualify for sexual orientation. It is a personal preference and decision and should be accepted as that person’s truth. Let your partner know that

3. Bisexual People Deserve Love And Appreciation

Bisexual people are often rejected and ignored by both the straight as well as the LGBTQIA+ community. After being exposed to this, they often end up feeling like they don’t Deserve to be loved and appreciated due to their assumed promiscuous and confusing nature. As their partners, it’s time to crush this belief, love them endlessly and let them know that they deserve to be loved, cared for and appreciated. Supporting them when they need it can help a lot.

4. Don’t Keep Worrying About The Past

A lot of people that end up dating bisexual people constantly end up being suspicious about them. They end up doubting and questioning their own partners. It’s time to stop this cycle. Their identities are not made up to fill some questionable spot on the sexual orientation spectrum. Screw jealousy, believe and love them instead. Even after having such a wide spectrum of choices, they choose to be with you, be thankful for that and let the doubt fade away.

5. Screw All Gender Norms

It is of essence to understand that when you’re dating a bisexual person, gender norms created by society go right out of the window. A lot of women like their men to be ‘manly’ whilst a lot of men appreciate it when their girlfriends are as ‘feminine’ as they come. These norms associated with their gender might not sit right with some bisexual people, don’t impose them on them. Understand how your partner likes to be, dress, act and appreciate as well as love them for being the best versions of themselves that they can be.

Also Read: People Who Think Bisexuality Is Not Real Need To ‘Phase’ Out!

This Bisexuality Visibility Month, let’s vouch to make sure we work hard to make our bisexual partners feel loved, appreciated and understood as a whole. After all, they deserve it all, don’t they?

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