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5 Ways To Come Out Of This Quarantine Without Breaking Up With Your Partner

FI Getting Out Of Quarantine, Together

I will not lie, this quarantine has been tough on me. And the one person on whom it has been tougher on, even more than me, is my partner. Mainly because I haven’t been the best girlfriend to be around during these days. Having been forced inside our homes, of course for our own safety, has come at the cost of our sanity and some of us haven’t been taking it too well. With a sudden cut from reality and the outside world and a 360 degree change in routines and lifestyle, the dynamics of every relationship have been shifted a little.

With no where to go and no other way to pass the days,  couples have been forced to spend more than usual time together and there are bound to be a few bumps along the road. And considering how having all this extra time on hands means having all those extra fights, the chances of you coming out of this quarantine with a partner can start seeming rather bleak. In fact, at this point, coming out with my head screwed on straight seems like a bleak possibility.

Also Read : 5 Ways To Get Over Your Ex While You’re In This Lockdown

But before you let that thought get to your head, always remember that this is not you, this is the quarantine. As it so happens, certain situations tend to bring a certain version out of you, and it could be that this lockdown hasn’t been so sporting in your case. Which is why, before you let the frustration of this unusual lockdown get the better of you and your relationship, here are 5 ways you can come out of this quarantine without breaking up…

Take time out for yourself

Before you can move on to fix your relationship, it is imperative that you fix yourself first. Take out some personal time for yourself, calm down, do what makes you happy and do it unapologetically. And once you have pampered yourself, then probably with that improved mindset, approach your partner for a calm and composed conversation that is less likely to end up in an argument.

Come up with a routine that works for both of you

It is not important that the two of you might want to spend your days in the same way during this quarantine. So, sit down and talk out all the possible things you could do together and come up with a daily plan that engages, entertains and enriches the both of you alike, without you two fighting over what you want to do. Find a middle ground and think of things that you both can be party to, and you will notice a considerable change!

Talk about your feelings

Yes, a lot of you might think that this is perhaps exactly and all you’ve been doing in this lockdown – talking and talking about things, but chances are that’s all trash and not enough talk. Don’t mistake an argument for a conversation, and tell yourself how it is okay to openly address and converse about things that do and don’t work well for you. Don’t bottle those emotions for a later outburst, and consider holding the bull by its horns! You won’t only feel much lighter, but also a lot more closer to your partner once you both have opened up.

Appreciate your partner more

It is quite possible that with so much free time and not enough things to distract yourself, you notice of even the smallest of things and it might just annoy you more than it would under normal circumstances. Living in such close quarters and proximity all the times is bound to get under your skin, which is why it is during these times that you need to remember the qualities you are grateful for in your partner and appreciate him for all his good things, than nit-pick on a few of his non-flattering ones. A little gratitude goes a long way, even longer than this quarantine!

Have enough sex

This is a tip that many would already have a head start in and yet it is very important to keep the sexual aspect of your relationship as alive and kicking as the emotional one. Be considerate of each other’s need and try to engage in some intimacy, for it only brings two partners closer and washes away the bad blood, reminding them how there is so much more to life than petty fights! And for the ones stranded away in this lock down, phone sex always comes in handy (pun intended) !

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