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5 Ways Silly Sex Goof-ups Are Actually Improving Your Sexual Chemistry With Bae


We read articles on how to do a particular sex position, how to be great at oral sex or just anything. We take our sex lives very seriously and that’s great. Being so keen on learning new techniques and moves is what keeps the spark alive. But there’s really no need to beat yourself up for not being a master of everything. Have you ever really sucked at something or pulled a move that went very wrong? Maybe fallen off the bed while having drunk sex? Let me just tell you, it’s completely cool to goof-up. In fact, what it does is bring you closer to bae. Sex goof-ups are like little rays of sunshine that promise to improve your sexual chemistry with him. Confused? Here’s how.


It means you are experimenting

It takes two really not-abled individuals to mess up the sex moves they have been doing regularly. For most of us, it’s a breeze to pull those off. But when you get out of your comfort zone and try something new, you’re bound to err. Nobody gets it right the first few times.

Practice makes you perfect

You know you have been goofing up but you’re in no mood to give up. At this point, every sex session has a dedicated time slot to try out doggy style, which hasn’t quite gone well so far. There, there! One day you’ll get it right and that will add another sex position to your resume.

You understand you are truly comfy with each other

Have you ever been on top of him, trying to look all sexy while riding him? Then amidst all that sexiness you bang your head on the headboard. Then there is a pin drop silence for 10 seconds but what follows is both of you breaking into an uncontrollable laughter. See, you’re so comfortable with each other.

It eases the pressure

Seriously, it’s sex, not your Math exam. The only integration happening here is between you and him, so there’s no need to be all tensed. Laughing over silly sex goof-ups can ease the pressure on you. And that only means you perform better and are more relaxed. Do you know what being relaxed enables? It helps you to achieve better orgasms!

ALSO READ: 10 Not-So-Obvious Signs That Your Relationship With Bae Is Getting Stronger

It brings you closer

You feel safe with him. It feels like you can truly be who you are without being judged. You can goof up, make silly mistakes, suck in a few moves and yet be loved for all your flaws. That comfort and security can literally be the best turn on. I don’t know why people just fail to see how arousing security and comfort are.

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