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10 Ways To Ensure That You And Your Partner Are In An Equal Relationship


Equality isn’t just about splitting the bills, or the chores; it is a lot more than that! And when it comes to a relationship where two people are involved, whose specific needs, interests and desires keep changing, well, it can be tricky maintaining that equality. But to make it plain and simple, an equal relationship is one in which both partners feel equally involved, respected and loved.

From living the day-to-day to making major life decisions, here’s how you can ensure that you and your partner are in an equal relationship.

1. Understand each other’s sexual needs.

You both might not always want to have sex at the same time or as often as the other, but understanding each other’s sexual needs and desires is of utmost importance in an equal relationship. And remember, it’s okay to give in occasionally even if you don’t feel like it.

2. Agree to disagree.

There might be several topics that you and your partner don’t necessarily agree upon on a day-to-day basis, and that’s okay! You will have your own individual opinion, and you don’t need to manipulate your partner into accepting yours. It’s better to agree to disagree on certain topics in order to avoid a fight.

3. Don’t neglect your commitment to small things.

Whether it is a dinner date planned weeks in advance or cleaning the house together on the weekend, don’t neglect the small stuff. It all adds up!

4. Don’t hold grudges.

The worst thing to do is to continue a fight for days on end. If there is a problem, solve it or refer to point number 1. Don’t hold grudges and create a toxic environment for both of you to live in.

5. Share everything equally, from chores to finances.

Sharing is caring, whether it is the day-to-day expenses or the chores around the house. Equality comes through in a relationship when you start saying “ours” and not “mine”.

6. Talk about your expectations of each other and the relationship.

This is one of the most important things to do for a equal relationship. Communicate with each other regarding expectations so that one person doesn’t feel like they are not being valued in the relationship.

7. Give each other space, so that neither of you is compromising on their dream for the other person.

Getting involved in each other’s careers and passions can get a bit complicated. Give each other enough space to pursue your individual dreams and passions without getting too involved.

8. Make sure that one person doesn’t just go with the flow.

Not being heard in a relationship is the number one cause of all the problems. Make sure that you keep the relationship balanced by ensuring that you and your partner are being heard, and not just going with the flow at all times.

9. Make all major decisions together.

Making major decisions like where to live, how to raise kids, where to invest money etc should be taken together. Your partner shouldn’t feel out of the loop when it comes to making major decisions.

10. Accept each other’s flaws.

We all know that nobody is born perfect. Everybody comes with their own set of flaws, so start accepting them. After all, your partner is never going to be the same as you.

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