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6 Ways To Set Realistic, More Achievable Resolutions For 2019!

It’s that time of the year again when we have already started think about our resolutions for the next year. Which happens around this time, every year. The end of December, the thought that  another year has zoomed past proves to be motivating catalyst to start brand new. But, and you probably know this, resolutions don’t magically happen. So while you might want to run a full marathon, if  you’ve never run in your life, this is a goal that’s guaranteed to fail.  You’re going to have to work on building a habit that works in the direction of your resolution. Here are 6 ways to actually work towards sticking to your resolution instead of postponing it for another year.

1. Get really specific about your goals

Concentrate on a few small things instead of one big thing.This way, you don’t get overwhelmed by it. Work on smaller goals like doing 30 squats, 5 times a week or not having ice cream twice a week. Which is definitely more achievable compared to a broader, more sweeping ‘working out every single day or cutting sugar from your diet completely.’

2. Pick a start date

Trying to work on all your goals on 1st of January can be quite absurd. To genuinely achieve your goals and stick to your resolutions, pick a start date. A date later on in the month when you not so hungover, and are completely relaxed can be a good time since you can finally focus on kick-starting the year right!

3. Set weekly or monthly check points for the entire year

Keep a diary or a calendar to keep yourself updated on your resolution. Track your progress. Whether it is to cut a few inches from your waist or to track the number of push ups you can do every day, keep regular check points to stay true to your resolution.

4. Accept Failure and Plan Your Rewards

If you can’t work out 5 times a week for a week even though you had resolved to, it’s okay! Ensure that you go for a walk instead or sign up for some fun cardio-based classes to stay active. You might not be able to stick to your resolution, it’s best to accept that. On the other hand, if you do end up working out 6 times a week, then make sure to reward yourself for it. Not with food!

5. Research it

Go to a library to read a book, ask people about their experience, or watch videos and do thorough research before you decide on a specific goal. Whether it is to donating things or volunteering your time in the coming year, do proper research instead of  rushing right into it.

6. Anticipate problems in your goals and figure out a solution

There will definitely be bumps along the way of you achieving your goals for the next year. Make sure you address all the problems that can come between you achieving your resolution, and figure out a possible solution for it in advance. So even if you get stuck half way, you already know what to do.

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