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6 Easy Workouts You Can Do Without Getting Out Of Bed


Traveling for work or vacay is no excuse to quit your workouts, is it? Sure, you may not have your yoga mat or your trainer, and you’re probably too busy doing whatever people do when they’re out of town for work or play.

Maybe you even have some other workouts involving beds in mind (*wink wink*), because what else is vacay for?

While sex is a healthy form of workout and all, it’s not enough. But, fret not, because we have an easy solution! Dedicate a few minutes every day for these easy workouts you can do from any hotel room bed!

That’s really all it’ll take to maintain all that hard work you’ve been putting into your body. Workouts not only keep you in shape, but they keep your skin glowing and your hormones in check too.


1. The Fat-Burning Bed Workout

Workout from the comfort of your room or a hotel room with this 8-minute workout. It’ll have you feeling alive and energised. Plus, weirdly enough, it’ll relax your body too.

2. Having A Lazy Day?

If you’re having a lazy day, you don’t need to get out of bed! Turn on the TV and keep the reps going.


3. Need A Beach Bod?

These 5-minute ab exercises will get you on your way to a beach bod in no time! We don’t always have time for our dream body, but with easy workouts, there’s no excuse as to why we can’t be healthy.

4. 6 Is All It Takes!

Always on the go? Keep fit with these 6 exercises. Doing them in the morning and evening is even better for all you fitness lovers!


5. Wake Up Exercises!

Try these gentle yoga stretches and exercises to wake your body up in the morning. They’re slow and easy, so it won’t be too traumatic to do first thing in the morning. It’s a great way to start the day.


6. Full Body Fun Workout!

It’s fun and full of surprises! I, personally, love doing this one when I travel. It gets me ready and excited, plus the workout endorphins always have me feeling super happy.

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