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Vanessa Springora’s Book Is About A Creepy Author Who Sexually Abused Her When She Was Just 14. This Is A Bone-Chilling Story That Needs To Be Told

Here is the thing, having a fetish I understand.  Even being into some kinky things like bondage is perfectly normal. Do you know what is not normal? Pedophilia. Rightfully, this is a crime. But as much as we wish it did not occur, we can’t deny its existence. Especially when there is so much talk going on about it right now.

The reason for that is that French writer Gabriel Matzneff has accepted his fetish for young boys and girls. In fact, for decades now he has been engaged in intercourse with adolescent boys and girls in his Paris home, hotel rooms and his trips to South-East Asia. You know how every neighbourhood has one creepy dude who lecherously stares at women? Matzneff is worse than all of them combined.

All this was not discovered in some hidden secret diary or a password-protected document on his computer. On the contrary actually, Matzneff is a highly decorated writer in France and he has been writing about his “affairs” with adolescent children for decades in his novels. Don’t believe me? Here are a few excerpts from his novel Les moins de seize ans (The Under 16s) which was published in the mid ’70s. Be warned, these almost made me throw up my lunch.

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He once wrote, “Once you have held, kissed, caressed, possessed a 13-year-old boy, a girl of 15, everything else seems bland, heavy, insipid.” In another instance in the same book he describes having sex with kids as “a holy experience, a baptismal event, a sacred adventure.”

It doesn’t end here, in his 1990 book Mes amours décomposés (My Loves Deconstructed) he wrote about his sexual relationships with children as young as 12-16 years of age. In this book he even talks about in great detail about watching child pornography starring kids as young as 10 years. FYI, he was 50 at the time.

Of course, this man creeps me out to a whole new level but what boils my blood is the fact that everyone just accepted it and played along. Despite knowing that he is pedophile practically preying on these poor children, no one said anything against it. Why? He was in fact, called on popular talk shows where he boasted about his affinity for young kids and instead of reporting him everyone believed him to be some kind of literary guru.

At a talk show he was once asked about his pedophilia. He replied in the lewdest way saying that adolescent children were not “hardened by life” and were “nicer”.  If this is not the definition of spine-chilling, I really do not know what is. He should not be allowed within a hundred feet of a child.

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Now, finally after all these years, he is being investigated by the French police. This came after Vanessa Springora, the editor of a popular French publishing house claimed that she was seduced by Matzneff when she was just 14. She has written a tell-all explosive best-seller called Le Consentement about it. The book reveals everything from their sexual relationship to the way it brutally impacted her life even years after the abuse ended.

Recently, Matzneff,in an interview while talking about this, said that he regretted his “trips” to Asia to have sex with children. In what is possibly the weakest defense I have ever heard, he said that “no one ever said it was a crime”. Seriously? I find it extremely hard to believe that a middle-aged man did not know that it was wrong to indulge in a sexual relationship with children. Springora was 14 years old for heaven’s sake.

She began writing this novel in 2013 after Matzneff won the prestigious Prix Renaudot literary award. I am so glad someone called out this supremely creepy man. If she hadn’t, he would’ve gotten away with all the shit he has inflicted on young children.

Gabriel Matzneff is a fucking horrible man who has done some really disturbing things. His books need to be boycotted and he needs to be imprisoned. Consent does not matter when the opposite person is a preteen,  and I don’t think I need to tell you’ll why.

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