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Thoughts That Hit Us When It’s Finally Friday!

Most of our lives go by in anticipation. Anticipation for a raise, for the final season of Game of Thrones, for a 70% sale at La Senza, but most of all and most frequently – in wait for the weekend! For us, the week only has 2 days – Fridays and Not Fridays. The last working day for the week, when we’re full of adrenaline for the weekend, ofcourse. And as much as our bosses would like otherwise, a major part of our Fridays go by thinking of these things:

“Do sweats qualify as appropriate work wear for ‘Casual Fridays’? Please say yes!”

Because we just need any and every reason to not climb out of our comfy PJs!

“I can FINALLY binge watch my favorite TV show all night tonight!”

Without feeling guilty ofcourse, because who are you kidding, you’ve been watching it every night, anyway!


“It’s practically the weekend already, how would it matter if I snooze my alarm just one more time?”

Things you think to console yourself after hitting snooze for 43 times already..


“I only have to sulk for another 7 hours and 55 minutes, great!”

Five minutes into your office and you’re counting down to the clock hitting 6 already!

“I don’t think I have been this happier since last Friday!”

Well, we just plain right agree with you. Preaching to the choir, you!

“Oh crap, weekend means catching up on household chores.”

When you realize this big flaw in your plan of bunking up in your bed for two days straight…

“Friday? Did you mean Fried-day? #cheatday #friyay ”

Because everyone knows Fridays don’t count. Duh!

“I got 99 problems, but Friday ain’t one!”

And if you play it smart, the rest can wait till Monday!

“What’s the harm in trying for a work-from-home, today?”

Maybe they should make Fridays a universal WFH for everyone, you know, except the work, of course.

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