10 Portable Chargers That Are Too Adorbs To NOT Buy

10 Portable Chargers That Are Too Adorbs To NOT Buy

If we had to chalk out a list of necessities in today’s world, it would be much more than just roti, kapda, and makaan. Unequivocally joining that list is a portable charger. It has made travelling easy, staying in touch with bae easier, and has kept mom’s worries about our whereabouts at bay (which I have mixed feelings about). I have seen my friends slip into depression if they misplace their powerbank. I mean, friends fight and relationships come to an end because of these portable chargers. They are precious and we have to start treating them like they are. And with the new phone cover reserves that are basically wireless chargers doubling up as covers, the game has got even more interesting.

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But this year, let go of the boring black ones that aren’t compatible to your stylish personality. Instead, opt for something cuter and snazzier — just like you! A phone cover charger that looks flawless in rose gold or a unicorn one that gives you those sparkly feels? Take your pick and just buy one already. This tech essential is a lifesaver, and you need it.


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Mophie Juice Reserve iPhone Charger (Rs 7,263)


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Remax Lipstick Portable Charger (Rs 450)


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Generic Portable Chargers (Rs 185)


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Jonathan Adler Architectural Borders Charger (Rs 3,157)


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Printland Portable Power Bank (RS 1,099)


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Awortek Rechargeable Backside Cover (Rs 2,889)


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Ban Do Portable Charger (Rs 8,843)


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Unicorn External Portable Charger (Rs 2,734)


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Doel Portable Flashlight And Charger (Rs 799)



Cute Portable Chargers_Hauterfly
Lifecard Stainless Power Bank (Rs 9,005)

Japleen Kaur

Hauterfly's Lifestyle writer and resident Potterhead. In love with boxes, diaries, food, and conversations. Always in a state of fernweh. (Don't know what that means? Search the site for more!)

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