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People Lose Their Marbles Over Sunny Leone’s Family Picture

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Sunny Leone can’t catch a break. Actually, her whole family can’t. We seem really uncomfortable with this woman who fully and unapologetically owns her past as a porn star, and does whatever she wants. This, of course, makes us terribly uncomfortable because why doesn’t she fall prey to our slut-shaming? Why is she not taking the bait and being all sorry about this? And while maybe being a celebrity in India comes with its share of pitfalls, this one where we call actresses sluts to embarrass them is probably the worst. But, hey, we extend this courtesy to star wives and husbands as well.

Leone’s husband Daniel Weber recently put up a picture on Instagram on Father’s Day of the entire family, all cozy and warm on a bed. The emotion it evoked, for the most part, was ‘Awww’. Turns out, not for everyone though.

People got offended by this because it appears that Sunny Leone isn’t wearing clothes in the picture. The picture is of a family celebrating a bond. It shouldn’t matter if they are wearing clothes, hanging off trees or chasing aliens, it’s a picture of a family. But no. People have launched massive rants on the post about how this was indecent, stupid, and some people have asked for pictures of everyone else’s nipples as well, not just Daniel’s.

To give you an idea, when we saw the picture, we couldn’t even understand what was offensive. So yeah, who is giving these people access to the Internet?

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