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Regular Sex Halves Your Risk Of Dying From Various Illnesses. In That Case, My Life Expectancy Looks Rather Bleak

Both water and fire are essential for life to thrive and yet when not in your control can cause immense damage. Similarly, sex has been looked at like it’s taboo, like it’s something dirty. Is it because several men use it as a tool to hurt women and exert power on us? Or is it because for years women have been expected to be a virgin deeming abstinence a measure of chastity? It’s basically pre-marital sex that’s seen as taboo, right? Is it because they expect us to enter a marriage with our “seals” intact and if it’s not then they will have us returned?

Leaving all this bullshit aside, did you know that sex is actually really good for your health? Yes, we are aware it makes you happy and all that. We have even heard how it leaves your skin glowing. Health organisations all over the world have been advising people to have sex partners but keep it exclusive. No, they don’t care about the progress of your relationship but the “exclusive” bit is thrown in so you don’t end up worsening a pandemic by exchanging saliva with multiple people. Anyway, that is amazing advice because and here’s why.

According to a report by The Sun, Washington University researchers have found out that having regular sex can increase your life expectancy. Apparently, having a bangin’ sex life can reduce your chances of succumbing to cancer, cardiovascular and other illnesses. It could be because sex is considered a good enough workout, which tends to keep you healthy and strong.

If you must know the deets, these scientists surveyed 15, 269 adults and studied them for 11 long years. Over these years, some of them died and it was observed that those individuals who have sex at least once a week, showed lower risk and better health. Those who had sex once in a year or more were at greater risk of mortality. “Their odds of dying from cardiovascular disease was 21 per cent lower, from cancer 69 per cent lower and from any other cause 48 per cent down,” reports The Sun.

Sex amps up the levels of oxytocin and dopamine which are natural mood boosters. It helps reduce stress – one of the biggest factors in both physical and mental illnesses. In fact, regular sex is known to balance the levels of estrogen and testosterone in your body. If they get imbalanced, you are at risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. The Sun also reported that sex heightens the function of natural killer cells that helps fight viruses and improve lung condition. Wait, isn’t that all we’re looking for right now? And yet we can’t have it? What is this sorcery?

ALSO READ: Cuddling After Sex Increases Your Happiness And Life Satisfaction, Says Science. Bae, Are You Listening?

Meanwhile, brown parents be like no meeting boys, no dating, and no kissing. Really, how will our generation even have healthy, active sex lives? And no, if you had sex a year ago, that doesn’t qualify as even remotely “active”. Our sex lives are as passive as our parents think we are the moment they catch us resting on our couch. Ever heard of “jaan hai toh jahaan hai?” But then again, it’s not always our culture that we can blame for our non-existent sex lives, right? The fact that my crush left me on seen could be one reason for it.

ALSO READ: Having Sex Makes You More Likely To Survive A Heart Attack. That’s More Reason To Get It On

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