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The Ultimate Love Handles Workout Routine To Melt Away The Fat!

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First things first. Love handles are a misnomer. There’s nothing to love about them. They are spectacularly unflattering, universally annoying and fabulously stubborn. Admittedly, some parts of our body are tad bit difficult to work on than others, and love handles are one of them.

And no amount of Spanx can control these pesky extras. And while everyone is willing to do a little extra for the abs and arms, the love handles just stay there without a worry.  But hey! Somebody really needs to talk about the lovely (not!) love handles and urm.. how to get rid of them.

While working on your abs, you can easily add a twist to your routine and target your obliques and love handles to get that perfect hourglass look that you’ve always wanted. There are quite a few simple exercises that will definitely target this part of your body, and should blitz your love handles into shape.

1.  Side Plank

Instead of working on your abs with a regular plank, try this one sided plank which specifically targets your love handles. And if you do this workout in front of a mirror, you will definitely admire your frame with this one!

2. Bicycle Crunches

This summer heat has left me with no choice but to workout indoors while my AC is on full blast. This bicycle crunch exercise is perfect to get those obliques working while you’re still lying down on your mat at home.

3. Russian Twist

The Russian twist is literally just twisting your body from the waist up. Hold onto a heavy object and twist your body from right to left. If you want to turn it up a notch you can even lift your legs in the air which will make your core work harder than ever as it tries to balance your body. Washboard abs, here we come.

4. Side Dips

Hold onto a dumbbell or 5 magazines from your Vogue collection, that you’ve been hoarding on since 7th grade, and drop down to your side like you have to put them down on the floor and bring them back up.

5. Wood Chopper

Use a dumbbell or fill an empty plastic bottle with sand (DIY hack). Ensure you only have as much as you can lift and indulge in this workout while it targets your love handles as well as works on your balance.

6. Swimming

I’m sure nobody wants to ruin their freshly done balayage hair by going for a swim ever so often. Try this exercise on the mat while you target your love handles as well as lower back.

7. Knee Drop

This exercise is the easiest of the lot and it will keep you body hurting for the next two days. That workout pain is the best since it gives you an assurance that you got in some great amount of work in your routine.

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