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It’s 4th May And Having Never Watched Star Wars Movie, The Force Is Not With Me

FI May The Fourth What

I have made no more than one unsuccessful attempt at watching Star Wars, and I don’t intend to try again. With its complex story line and one too many films, it has a universe of its own (literally). But more importantly – it’s just too late. The characters have been discussed, the memes have been made, and the rest of us non-fans have been belittled.

Then, what’s this sudden feeling of being left out? I present to you, May the 4th – Star Wars Day. It’s a pun on a phrase from the series, “May the force be with you”. And the fandom celebrates it with the grandeur of any other festival. Open Instagram or Twitter, and it’s impossible to miss. Your social media feeds are going to be flooding with Star Wars content for the entirety of today. There’s no getting out of this one.

So of course it has me feeling a little left out. As someone who spends a good portion of my day scrolling mindlessly through Instagram and Twitter, not understanding a meme is the most frustrating thing that could possibly happen. Now imagine an entire day of scrolling past jokes and references that you can’t even pretend to understand. If you’re like me, it must sound like your worst nightmare.

If you like watching films and are well-versed with pop culture, you’ll find yourself recognising a face here and a name there. Like the beautiful Carrie Fisher, who plays Princess Leia. I know her because she was the one fantasy Ross had. Which Chandler ruined. Or the masked face of Darth Vader, who you don’t need to watch any of the films to recognise. And who can forget the Master Yoda memes? Somehow, that just makes it worse. You hear these people being discussed all the time, yet you probably couldn’t name a single thing they’ve done in the film series they’re best known for.

I’m sure that like me, your friend group has a strong majority of die hard Star Wars fans who see only one of two solutions to your problem – they’ll either nag you until you watch the films and become one of them, or fight you to defend their fave. My friends have given up on the first and are quite frankly getting tired of the second too. I’m thoroughly enjoying my Netflix romcom binge, thank you very much!

My frustration put aside, though, its nice to see an international community of fans come together to celebrate a day that’s important to them with memes, writing, and artwork. May the 4th be with them! But the question still remains – how long can you keep going until the lockdown makes you succumb to a Star Wars marathon?

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