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Your Horoscope This Week

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Weekly Horoscope

HauterScopes is a weekly column with tarot expert Karishma Rajani, who will be doing some exclusive horoscope readings for you. Check back every Monday for insights on your week ahead when it comes to love, career, and general well-being. We promise it’s going to be awesome!



Congratulations, Aries! Except for a few unpleasant surprises, this is turning out to be better than the union you hoped for. But a relationship is usually a work-in-progress. Ergo, we continuously need to give in our best, lest the love boat be rocked. But here’s the thing: your lover would rather spend Sunday afternoon sipping margaritas and watching the sunset with you, followed by some cosmic dance. You, on the other hand, would like to retreat into your burrow and never return. Here’s your cue to find a middle ground.



The thing about love is that it can pleasantly surprise. The question is: will you allow it? Sure, you’ve had more than your fair share of disappointments and disillusionments in the past. Not to mention, a truck load of toxic lovers. By holding onto the bad memories, you are simply creating a prison for yourself. A prison that’s blocking out all the good things life has to offer. P.S. There’s transcendental love written for you in the stars.



Do we get where we are simply by ourselves or with the help of a solid support system? This, right here, is your moment in the sun! What is the marker of an exemplary star? That she ensures that everybody involved gets a piece of the pie, from the cameraman who captured her perfection to the nanny who helped bring her up. Give them the respect and gratitude they deserve.



Want to hear something revolutionary? Perfection is overrated. Celebrate each moment for what it is, rather than what you’d like it to be. How do you feel about your relationship? Realise it’s nothing short of a magical union. The coming together of 2 beings who may not be perfect, but are perfect for each other as they are. You have nothing to prove to your lover. Sure, ambition looks sexy as hell on you. Just ensure your need to overachieve isn’t coming in the way of love.



Your inner Ryan Gosling is waiting to be unleashed. Let him out. Yearning to write your own happily ever after? Rule #1: Adopt a #nofilter policy. Rule #2: Say yes to love! In the divine words of Rumi: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Let no man or mountain come in your way.



It’s time to revaluate your #careergoals. And then your attitude towards work. Is the latter getting in the way of the harmony you desire? There’s no point going over the motions every single day, if you don’t feel inspired to put your best foot forward. While your ideas may be visionary, the way you’re putting them forth is isolating you further. Find a middle ground between what ‘you’ want and what ‘they’ want. An amicable solution that will push the project forward. One word: teamwork. Make them feel like a part of the ‘solution’ rather than the ‘problem’. You’ll be surprised at how many opportunities you manifest in your favour.



One word: revaluation. If your career is on track, then go on, conquer the world. If you think you are not going as per the cosmic plan, think of ways you can realign yourself. Sometimes the process of evolution needs you to forgo even the tried-and-tested methods. Something to mull over: just because a process has worked in the past, doesn’t mean it will work in the future. It’s for you to see what works best for the biz, and what puts you on the fast road to rich and famous. Know that many opportunities for growth and expansion will arise. But are they really worth the hoo-ha? Do a thorough background check before you say yes.



Life is clearly not being rainbows and butterflies. Here’s the thing: you can make it whatever you want it to be. Sure, the bad stuff outweighs the good stuff. But does that mean the good stuff is surreptitiously missing form your life? It’s all a matter of perspective. Try to be grateful for all the things that are working in favour of you. When the troubled past repeats itself on loop, stop for a second and ask yourself what you can do to break free from its clutches. Confront the demons. Sometimes, what we fear the most is what we need to do in the moment.



Here’s a potent question: do you enjoy playing one-man army? Watch the need to wear too many hats, take on more responsibilities that you should be handling, and generally playing superwoman. Nobody can take the title away from you, given your uncanny ability to have the nastiest situations (and people) ‘under control’. Don’t forget that you are a part of something larger than yourself. Two words: team effort. Let go of the need to isolate yourself. Make space for people who want to be a part of the process. Bonus: you’ll have enough to grab a cocktail after work.



So much to do, so little time. Enjoy playing Queen Bee this week. Your social life is clearly the talk of the town. Whether your idea of a perfect Friday night is a sundowner at the hottest venue in town, Netflix and chill, or a boyfriend bonfire, your sister ensures there’s never a dull moment with them around. Be at the top of your fash game even as you step out to work. Unplanned adventures await. The kind that lets you bag new deals, sign covetable contracts, mingle with the who’s-who, lets you be your boss’s fave, lets you flirt with the hottie from marketing, all while sipping and swirling your favourite Chardonnay. Just ensure you strike a balance between ‘me time’ and your time in the world, lest you wake up with horrific eye bags.



Challenges to opportunities: a mantra that was basically written about your life. As you charge forward towards the completion of your goals, remember to look back for a moment. Past experiences have been immensely useful in bringing you to where you are. Review all the life-altering lessons they have taught you. With your courage and conviction strong, not a force in the world will be able to deter you from your path!



You were born for greatness. Then why are you playing the mediocre card? It’s time to make headways in the right direction — sign that big contract, get the raise you deserve, and jump to a more powerful position. But what have you got to show, Pisces? Remember the ability to hustle is a real superpower. Let people around know you’re not afraid of working hard and putting in all you’ve got.

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