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Your Horoscope This Week

Horoscope_ Feature

HauterScopes is a weekly column with exclusive horoscope readings for you. Check back every Monday for insights on your week ahead when it comes to love, career, and general well-being. We promise it’s going to be awesome!


Ever heard of the adage: the only person standing in your way is you? Well this is your reminder to remove the blinders and see the entirety of the path before you. Chances are the feeling that you only have limited options has heightened the sense of constriction, of fighting the battle on your own. While there may be uncertainty as to what lies ahead, there is a sense of movement – out of the black and into the blue.


Shaking off the languid energy of the week that was, this week starts off on a note of absolute clarity for you. You’re basically a firework of creative energy and it’s a great time to invest in a new project, or return to work after a hiatus. It’s easy to shoot off in all directions when you have so many ideas so the task this week is to streamline strategies and then charge in active pursuit of things that you desire.


Ever had one of those days where you sit at your desk and just hear a thousand different voices saying a thousand different things? Facing a hundred to-do lists, or maybe a demanding lover who is driving you to anxiety. The general sense of feeling like a pressure cooker could also be traced back to your own overthinking. The answer lies in simply disengaging. Unplug from the phone and the world, kick back and just do something that makes you happy!


This week things come full circle for you, you’re in a position to fully revel in the rewards of all those months of hard work. While celebration is on the cards, there’s also a sense of breaking off and investing some time and energy into yourself. While the process of improving yourself is important don’t just leave those around you behind. Alternatively be wary of fraudulent behaviour of those around you – could someone just be using you to make contacts in the industry?


There’s a fire burning within you this week, not just in the temperamental way but in your enthusiasm. Your go-getter attitude has the power to inspire those around you to push themselves to do better, bigger things too! Your partner proves to be the ultimate pillar of strength, an equal in all rights matching your fiery energy and drive to bring health, wealth and harmony to the home front.


Things seem to be falling apart around you, the whole vibe this week is of you sitting in the center of a building and everything’s on fire. However, this is a perfect opportunity for you to literally take flight and leave this behind, move onward and upward into a better stage. Not just in a better frame of mind, this also has the potential for you to find opportunities of employment outside the comfort zone, possibly a different time zone! Keep your eyes out for silver linings.


This week presents an interesting conundrum for you – while the cards speak of disappointment, maybe even a disillusionment in your current way of living and belief system there is also room to start anew. You have the opportunity to enter a new commitment, one that could help you analyse things in a new light, a person that could guide you in attaining the perfect balance between physical and spiritual.


The cards this week speak of deceit, underhanded activities of a selfish nature most likely your partner. There is an energy of fast and light-footedness, possibly love affairs running without your knowledge while posing a charming front to you. The natural progression then is a feeling of being stuck, both in the commitment but also to the idea of a loyal partner. The only way forward is to have an open line of communication, remember the values that you hold on to.


The cards this week indicate a time of celebration coming up as every project you have thus far been involved in moves into a stage of completion and thereby success. You’re on your way to living your best life because those big dreams you’ve been dreaming about are one step closer now and see you emerging on top!


There’s always that saying that life’s a party and life’s what you make of it and of course every once in a while we can find ourselves kicking it back and just indulging in some drinking and dancing. But what happens when the party girl lifestyle overtakes other parts of our life – take this as your week to slow down and shift focus onto taking care of your health.


This week you find yourself at a cross junction of the professional and personal, with a possible collaborative start-up with an old friend. There’s a synchronicity in thinking which works perfectly in this creative pursuit but also working together brings up moments of nostalgia reinforcing the fact that it’s a worthy pursuit!


The cards this week speak of heightened creative energy, so indulge in some out of office pursuits. Find things you are passionate about beyond the workspace but also see how you can integrate them into your professional life, the keyword is experimentation! Expect to be in the spotlight for doing what you do best. For those with a theatrical bent this week could bring an opportunity to return to the stage!


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