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Your Horoscope This Week

HauterScopes is a brand new column with the stylish street-style blogger and tarot expert Karishma Rajani, who will be writing some exclusive horoscopes for you every week. Check back every Monday for some exclusive insights on your week ahead when it comes to love, career and general well-being. We promise it’s going to be awesome.

Keep scrolling to see what the stars have to say about your sign this week:



You’re quite the fiery one, aren’t you? Yet there is that one person who pushes you off the edge and makes it terribly hard for you to get a word edgeways—perhaps your boss who believes what he says is the word of God or a boyfriend who’s always playing the bossy one? So what does that bring the focus to? Communication, of course. This week, you’re likely to come face-to-face with your fear—your fear of really speaking your mind about what you think and how you feel. Let’s accept this challenge, shall we?



In order to be who you want to, you must be willing to throw the past away. Are you ready? Let’s start by making a list of all the words you associate with yourself and strike them off one by one. Watch that sense of relief wash over you. Therapeutic, isn’t it? Now make another list of things you want to do, who you want to be and places you want to go to. Practicality be damned! Get ready to follow the voice of your heart.



Things you’re doing this week: putting sexy back in domestic goddess. Matters of the house are a full-time affair—whether it’s recreating that shabby chic reference you saw on Pinterest or throwing a party that’s going to be the talk of the town. Both your creative and nurturing side are coming to the fore. ‘Course your work is likely to mirror this magic. For some of you, this motherly instinct could mean actually craving for a little one of your own. Get to work, pronto!



Goodbye, inertia! This week is about being on your toes; about being as sharp and quick-witted as you can possibly be, which, as you know, is a quality valued very much at work. Your vision feels like it’s gotten a new pair of snazzy glasses and if you’ve been foggy about certain matters in the past, you’ll know precisely which road you need to take right now. If you’ve been plagued by a legal matter, then an attorney with all the right solutions is sure to step in.



The future is foggy my love and no crystal ball can help you gaze into it. If you don’t like where you’re headed, you probably don’t like where you are right now. First things first, focus on making changes in the now. Your emotions seem to be the biggest problem at hand, stemming from your inability to both feel and express. Don’t let them hold you back. And most importantly, don’t feel the need to justify these emotions no matter how crazy they seem. Focus on communication and hold off the decision-making process until clarity prevails.



That feeling of being on the edge finally takes a backseat. Feel the music. Let it take you with it. There’s much to rejoice about as you’re finally getting a chance to see things through—things that you’ve poured your heart and soul into—it could be that house of your dreams or that relationship that gives you wings. Take a moment to practice gratitude. The Universe is listening to every word you say.



You know what’s overrated? Understated elegance. Full power to you, Libra. The spotlight’s on you right now, so spread your feathers and dance. Forget there’s a world outside. Forget there’s an audience that might stop and stare. If somebody has a problem with what you’re doing, you’re probably doing it right. Embrace your sensuality and watch the magnetism unfold.



It’s not that you don’t enjoy being pampered because you do. It’s just that you like being the hero of your own story. In other words, you won’t shy away from spoiling yourself silly, from indulging the whims and fancies of your heart—whether it’s that solitaire that sits pretty on your ears or that splendid piece of art from your favourite artist across the world. What’s next, Scorpio? A luxury getaway in the hills that feeds both your body and soul?



Watch the feeling of serenity wash over you. Having passed the storm, you are the very epitome of calm. But what’s the lesson in this for each one of us? Making this trance a part of your every day; learning how to breathe like Buddha even when you find yourself in the midst of chaos. Right now, the channels of creativity are open and waiting to be tapped. Create that piece of art you’ve always wanted to. But more importantly, channel that creativity in everything you do.



Your superpower this week: a mystical mix of femininity, sensuality and creativity. Oh, Capricorn! Anything can transpire right now. One look at you across the dance floor or yoga studio (whatever is your jam) and he’ll fall head over heels. The best part about this magnetism? That you don’t actually have to do any of the legwork. Thinking like a woman also means being less in your head and more in your heart. Allow yourself to feel the depth of emotions. Watch everything you touch transform into art.



Oh, Aquarius! You’re obviously the Universe’s favourite child right now. Want to hear something cheesy? Be realistic. Expect a miracle. Because that’s exactly what’s about to happen for you right now. Something that you’ve been hoping and praying for (or even something totally unexpected) should soon arrive at your door, complete with a red ribbon. Oh, the bliss of watching a circle complete itself!



Oh, baby! You’re more powerful than you think. Perhaps, we should use the word invincible. Real trying times, these! And you’ll feel like your worst fear is knocking at your door. You know what? Challenge accepted. The second you convince yourself to dive into this headlong is when you give the Universe the opportunity to transform the situation. Get ready to break the cycle forever.

Karishma Rajani is a Delhi-based blogger and tarot expert. Follow her on Instagram for more stylish astral insights. You can also get in touch with her for personalised readings.

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