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Your Horoscope This Week

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HauterScopes is a weekly column with exclusive horoscope readings for you. Check back every Monday for insights on your week ahead when it comes to love, career, and general well-being. We promise it’s going to be awesome!


The message this week for Aries is simple: Trust the process of things, trust the larger plan unfolding here, trust that with every low comes a high. Now that we’re moving past the Venus retrograde the paths are all clearing up for you and bringing a lover to you. Don’t hold on to the past, learn from it and move on. Most often our negative outlook has the power to hamper our journey forward. This is a time of wearing your heart on your sleeve, the hottest shade this season is vulnerability.


This week for Taurus is a reminder to keep your head on your shoulders. On one hand things at work are picking up pace, you’re in position to see the finish line and this is only renewing your vigour to work towards your goals in a committed manner. The key here is to stay grounded, take practical decisions and not be carried away by the promise of a shortcut. You know whom you can trust, so don’t hand over a project to someone who won’t take ownership.


This week for Gemini promises new beginnings, new heights, it’s a time of movement and shaking off the dust. Rediscover things you are passionate about, try out new ideas even if it’s a risk this is the time to get creative and have adventures – whether this is at work on a project or even in terms of planning a holiday. This is also a good time to work on your grooming because the cards signal sparks flying in all directions – even if it isn’t a long term love, be open to holiday romances.


This week for Cancer is a time of sitting down at an uncomfortable dinner and confront all unresolved emotions. A deep pain has to be brought to the surface that’s been buried deeper under the layers of other feelings – while this works as a coping mechanism this is in no way a permanent resolution. Process through what you have in your heart, particularly because the source is a specific person – a lover or business partner or confidant. Know that in order to move forward it’s crucial for you to clear up this space.


The message for Leo this week is simple: Trust Yourself! If you feel like that headache isn’t going away it’s because you’re stuck in a loop of overthinking. You’re at the precipice of something new, particularly on the work front and this is no time to second guess. You have years of experience and skills to back you up here, the only thing is to take the leap of faith.


This week for Virgo is all about opening yourself up to the good life, look for silver linings because there’s one present in every situation. Create a zen corner in your room where you can get rid of all the thought patterns that tend to test your patience and resolve. This is a time of letting go of past failures and betrayals, choose instead to indulge yourself however minimally or luxurious as you want to be.


The message this week for Libra is clear, the time has come for you to rise to power and claim everything you’ve been working towards. Whether this is a project at work that has been more often than not a challenge or a spark on the romance front, what you’re putting out there is coming back with due returns. The key is to not slow down, don’t give up no matter how hard things get, you’re closer to the finish line than you think!


This week for Scorpio is all about red, and first things first it’s time to put things to a stop. When it becomes clear that there is no reasoning with someone it’s like arguing with a wall, the only solution is to step away from the problem. You may feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle and conflicts are cropping up everywhere you look but this is a time to stop and consider what it is that you’re fighting for. Do away with what doesn’t serve your ultimate purpose and approach this situation with clarity, go back to the vision board and prioritise!


The message this week is simple, the time has come for you to expand your horizons and seek higher knowledge. Not only will this satiate your thirst for new adventures but also it’s the best way to hone your skills for a one-up on those around you. The key is to get rid of the voices in your head that tell you you can’t do it. If you’re weighed down by the pros and cons or perhaps the cost involved in this process – know that the end result will always be worth the investment (both financial and energetic).


For Capricorn this week is all about burning sage and getting rid of all the bad vibes that are collecting around you – particularly in the workspace. When things are left unresolved they have the potential to convert into a toxic space and that’s never a good place for anyone to grow. The conflicts would only worsen the situation, coupled with colleagues who push you out of projects. All in all this is a time of clearing out the noise and opening yourself to new opportunities. If you’re considering a new project/role this is your green light!


Aquarius this week finds themselves pushed to the limit and here is where the biggest opportunity for growth and learning lies. Who are you when stuck between a rock and a hard place? Draw on your inner strength to help you push past this point and reach out to your inner circle – you never know where a solution comes out from. Give in to the joy of just chilling out, expect good news coming your way by the end of the week.


This week for Pisces brings up a reality check, there’s a chance you’re trying to revive a dead situation and the time has come to move on. This is a space not as much of dwelling on what has ended but on being open to receiving what is coming your way. Don’t ask yourself ‘why is this happening to me?’ Instead, learn from it. Your key takeaway from this situation is to do your best to keep moving forward – sometimes that is the best way out.



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