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Tempted To Text Your Ex During This Quarantine? Here Are 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t!

Before you send that text out, the one you’ve typed out in your head already for your ex and been spending days thinking over, I’d recommend you to keep that thought on hold and consider what I am about to say. Break ups are tough. But what is tougher, is what comes next and that is – moving on. Some of us take days, months, hell even years to try and move past the idea of the one you thought would was ‘the one.’ And while it takes all that time to get over your ex, all it takes for you to fall back right back into that trap, is perhaps, two or three weeks of isolation.

As I have entered my fourth week of quarantine, I have to my own surprise, or rather shock, also entered a weird dilemma of whether or not to drop my toxic ex a not-so-toxic message. You see, with all that extra time on my hands, and a list of chores that are being successfully procrastinated, one thing that has been happening right on schedule is a lot of overthinking. Because, why not?

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Except, as the mind races to keep up with where the heart is at, you are bound to make rash decisions that might just end up with you in deeper shit than the coronavirus itself. Which is why, every now and then, when you find yourself being hit by pangs of loneliness, or drawn to take a walk along memory lane with your ex, here is why you shouldn’t give into the temptation of texting your ex.

There Is A Good Reason You’re Not Together

I get it. When you have been single for so long, and on a dry spell, coupled with the fact that there has been zero physical interaction in the past few weeks due to the lockdown, you are bound to latch on the first thought that comes to your mind, and that is your ex. But in such time what you mustn’t forget is that there was a reason you broke up with them in the first place, and unless they have miraculously changed or undergone a divine transformation, chances are the reason is still valid, which means your reason to text them, isn’t!

Might End Up In A Hookup

Once the relationship is over, only seldom do the two partners ever want to get back together, at least at the same time. More often than not, when it’s done, it’s done away for good and that means, you texting your ex out of the blue one fine day, would only and loosely translate into no more than a booty call. So in case, you’re looking to rekindle those lost feelings, you might want to consider the possibility that the shelf life of those feelings might not last more than a night.

It Is Most Certainly Only Out Of Desperation

As much as you’d like to believe otherwise, these overflowing and sudden surge of emotions is just your mind and body acting out of desperation. Don’t get us wrong here, but if you really were to be honest to yourself, you’d know that under different and more interactive every-day circumstances, they wouldn’t cross your mind for even a second, and it is only out sheer boredom or loneliness in quarantine that you’re even considering opening this can of worms.

Don’t Give Him The Satisfaction

If you think that break ups hurt a lot, you probably don’t know what it feels like to give the same guy who broke your heart, a reason to be one up with you. You sending out that text to your ex, would be an admission of the fact that you were probably wrong in parting ways and that when times are tough, you need him back. You’d are proving him right and giving him the satisfaction, that he most likely doesn’t deserve, and that my friend, is enough for you to reconsider pressing send!

You Deserve Better!

Yes you loved them, yes they gave you butterflies, yes they made falling feel like flying, but yes, they also broke your heart. And no, they do not deserve you back. In fact, they are the very reason why you deserve someone so much better in life, and so what if right now you’re stuck home with no chance of finding Mr. Right? When the time comes, and the lock down will be lifted, the world will be your oyster and you wouldn’t have to go back to gumball jewellery when you’d have the chance to get your hands on a real gem!

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