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Confessions Of A Flight Attendant

Confessions Of An Air hostess_Hauterfly

Ever wondered what really goes on behind the scenes in certain professions? The dirty secrets and inside tricks no one tells you about? We sure do! So this month, we bring to you a Confessions series, wherein people from different jobs and careers tell us about what it’s really like, doing what they do. Read on for some steamy goss!


I’ve been working as a flight attendant for India’s most reputed airline for about a year now. I love my job —  let’s just get that out of the way. I’ve travelled more than I’d ever be able to on my own, I am trained to save lives and handle emergencies, and I am no longer afraid of travelling alone.

The soft skills that I have gained from this job — how to handle cranky babies and crankier parents, how to get people to do what I want them to do, and just interacting with other human beings — are things I wouldn’t get from a job behind a desk with both feet on land.

For instance, once there was this old lady on my flight, and she was struggling to get to her seat on an Abu Dhabi flight. We helped her to her seat, and she was really happy — kissed our hands and told us we’re lovely girls. We offered her a glass of water because she had had to walk so much. She laughed and said, “I don’t want water, but please get me a beer!”

So I encounter all sorts of people and gather various experiences that I otherwise never would have. That being said, there are a few things I wish our passengers knew about us — the nameless, often faceless cabin crew they encounter on planes. Here are few:



1. We are also human beings, just like you. I know it seems like we’re part of the aircraft fixtures, and that’s how it’s supposed to be. But we get tired too, we need to eat, we need to use the loo, and we’re just as frustrated by delays as you are. We have families to go home to too, you know.



2. If we ask you to do something politely, with a smile, please listen to us. The bag will not fit in the overhead bin. You can’t sit anywhere you want. No, we don’t have fries on the plane, there’s no need for us to check. We spend 6 days a week on our aircrafts, and we know what we’re about. We’re asking you to be polite, but it isn’t actually an option.



3. We don’t want to make your trip difficult. In fact, we want to make your journey as smooth as possible — that is literally our job. Anything we tell you is in your own interest, whether you like it or not. Remember, if anything goes wrong, we will always leave last.



4. Every FA will say this time and time again, but we. Are. Not. Your. Servants. We serve you and clear your trash, but we are trained professionals and hope desperately that you never have to see us perform what we’re actually trained to do.

That being said, it’s a great job. It may be difficult to wake up at the crack of dawn, put on my makeup, and drag myself to the airport, but it’s all worth it. I love making people happy, putting a smile on a tired face, and being satisfied with a job well done. Happy flying to you!

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