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Pack Up! 7 Travel Essentials For That Vacation With Your Boyfriend


A vacation with your boyfriend can be big deal. No pressure, but this could the time to learn things about him that you would’ve never known.  And it could be lots of good things, and some bad. But hey, spending time with your SO when you guys are out of your comfort zone usually brings out a side of them that you would’ve never seen.  You’ll know if he’s not particularly inclined towards saving water if he leaves the water running while he brushes his teeth. Or if he spends more time on his hair than you do, then you know you’ll need more mirrors.

Packing for these vacations can be quite the task, especially when you want everything to be perfect. Deciding on what to take for the trip with your boyfriend and leave the extra baggage behind (pun intended) can be crucial. Here are 9 things that you definitely need to take with you whether you are going skiing in the Alps or are going to be sipping mimosas at a beach in Maldives.

1. Great walking shoes

If you are out and about, exploring every nook and corner on your vacation you definitely need to feel comfortable! Unless, you expect him to give you piggyback rides, that could be a win-win situation for both of you.

2. Multiple headphone splitter

Long flights and hours of travel call for going through all the songs on your phone playlist, catching up on movies and basically spending a lot of time glued to a screen. This headphone splitter will ensure that you won’t have to pick who get the left or right ear phone. This way, one of you doesn’t have to make do with reading subtitles.

3. Unisex toiletries

No one likes to pay excess baggage and this is one place that you can really cut back on the kilos. Share your shampoo, conditioner and body wash! Carry travel-size products that can be used by couples so that there is more room for shopping!

4. A good stash of snacks!

They say that a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Also, having no food in a country where no speaks your language could put you in a bit of a soup. Stack up on granola bars, chips, and candies. During those elaborate flight delays and long car rides, this will save you’ll from getting cranky.

5. An international phone plan

While Skyping with your parents might not be the best use of a phone plan, it certainly helps to have the internet handy. Google maps or GPS will save you hours of meandering down unknown roads, ending up at dead ends and you can dodge a bullet with the ‘take the next left or right’ fight.

6. Swimsuits!

You’ve worked at your beach body, now it’s time to flaunt it. And what better way to scorch up the temptation can turning up the sexy! Choose a swimsuit you feel confident in, that flatters your body shape and one that you are comfortable wearing in public. Don’t forget to take pictures!

7. Sunscreen

Whether you are headed to a beach destination or going to be snuggled up in a cabin, sunscreen is a must-have. You want to tan and come back a bronzed goddess, not with burnt, peeling skin.

8. Cute underwear and pyjamas

Ladies, leave your granny panties at home, regardless of how comfortable they are. Leaving your college mascot t-shirt back is probably a good ideas as well. Think sexy. Bring out all your super cute undies, and silky pyjama sets. This is a special occasion!

9. Date night outfit

Imagine a dinner date on the beach where it is just you two, or club hopping in a country where the clubs are open till 7:00 AM! Sounds like a really good time! This is your chance to really floor your boyfriend with your glamour quotient. Bring out the LBD, the sexy heels, and wear makeup. Go all out girl!

10. Medicines

Yeah, it’s not exactly romantic but there could be days where you could go a little under the weather. It can be a change in weather, or that experimental cuisine you took a chance with. We recommend always carry a box of meds with you to take care of any situation instantly. Or at least tide you over in an emergency.

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