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5 Thoughts I Had While Watching Disha Patani’s Hui Malang. Mohit Suri Said Disha Is More Than A Pretty Face. Erm…

I am not really surprised a movie about three men who enjoy killing and never fail to mention that, is high on action and testosterone. So, to calm the proceedings and provided a much-needed respite to all these oiled up, hot-headed men, Disha Patani has an item number. That is what Hui Malang is, right? After all, it checks all the boxes in the requirement of an item number. There’s a hot woman, dancing in skimpy clothes, and the song is entirely irrelevant to the plot of the movie. If it has one, that is – a plot, not the item number.

I don’t know how the movie is going to be (I can guess but I don’t want to be mean). But I have to say, Disha Patani looks like a patakha in this song.

Here are five thoughts I had while I was watching the video, check it out. PS: Follow the drill and watch it first…

  1. I was watching the video trying to gauge exactly what the hell is going on with Disha, but the one thing that kept distracting me was that white outfit (!?!), if it can be called that.  What purpose does that have? It does not cover anything. In fact, it looks like something you could possibly wear instead of a parachute while skydiving (only for experts, do not try at home). You know what else it looks like? A cut-up curtain. Maybe Mohit Suri realised this too and made her ditch it in the middle. But, I every time I watch it I feel so bad for her. I mean, that silver underwear must hurt her so bad. There are silver studs poking her seemingly everywhere. Not to mention they look like they would be super itchy.

Also Read: The Trailer Of Malang Dedicates More Time To Aditya Roy’s Abs Than Disha Patani’s Role. What Even?

  1. Can we take a moment and discuss Disha’s expressions in this song? They really confuse me. I get she is trying to be “sexy” but all through the song her expressions look like she’s uncomfortable. The dance steps seemed easy enough but we are pretty sure with that white outfits strands billowing in every direction meant that she had to be careful that she didn’t trip on it herself.  But hey, we have all been there just thankfully not on camera.
  1. Did anyone else notice the similarities this song bears with Rihanna’s Umbrella? Yep, look closer you might catch it. The first one is right there, the scene where Disha is wearing an all-black outfit holding an (you guessed it) umbrella against a black background. As gorgeous as that looks, no one can top Queen Rihanna. But they do deserve brownie points for the attempt even though they could’ve gotten a tad original. Even the outfit she is wearing is almost like the outfit Rihanna wore in that video. I think someone should alert Diet Sabya, they would love this scoop. Also, if Rihanna ever watches this video she will flip out for sure.

Also Read: Mohit Suri Says Disha Patani Is “More Than Just A Pretty Face And Hot Body”. Is That Why The Trailer Has Her In A Bikini?

4. Can someone please explain the incessant need to include close ups of punches being thrown around in the middle of the song? It’s mad. You literally can’t tell what’s going on, there are so many cuts. More cuts than there are on Disha’s clothes which is saying something because she’s not been given much to wear. Why is it that we must still outfit our women in inadequate clothing to titillate the men?

Someone please remind me who had said Disha is “more than a pretty face and a hot body”? Oh yeah that’s right, the director of this movie Mohit Suri. Well done proving your point, Mohit. *slow claps*

5. Okay, seriously what is that leap of faith that Aditya Roy Kapoor does? Does he think he is Spiderman? I love a good action movie, but the action needs to be realistic and believable. That is not possible even if you are a parkour star. So, either you have to be a superhero or well, Tarzan. Which one do you think he is? Personally, I am hoping for Tarzan because then at least I have one reason to watch this movie. Just kidding, there’s no way you can get me to watch this trope.

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