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10 Things You’ll Need To Survive The First Day At Your New Job

Website- First Day Essentials 2Website- First Day Essentials 2

Will they like me? What if my boss is crazy? Am I getting paid enough? Is it going to be too cold? What if they don’t have clean toilets at work? The first day at any new job is rife with worry. Here are a few things you’d need to survive your first day at that new job.

Waterproof Mascara: First days are usually tougher, more emotionally challenging and dreadful than we’d like to admit. So, always make sure to carry/apply waterproof mascara to survive the waterworks, if any!

Lots and lots of tissues!: Keeping a pack of tissues handy is never a bad idea, because nervous hands = spilled coffee! Best to be prepared for the predicted clumsiness!

Elevator speech: First days usually involve seeing a lot of new faces and not knowing what to say to accompany that fake smile you’ve got on your face. To avoid coming off as borderline creepy, its safe to come prepared with a list of small-talk topics to avoid those awkward silent elevator rides or wait near the water cooler!

A Brown bag lunch: Chances are, and these are big, you are going to be eating lunch alone. Given that you literally know no one. It’s advisable to carry snacks or a non-messy lunch you could have by yourself at your desk.

Jacket/Cardigan: Because you don’t want to shiver to death on the first day itself.  Carry a jacket or an extra layer, just in case the temperature doesn’t suit you. Better safe than frozen, right?

Notepad/recorder: First days could mean A LOT of new information and instructions for the mind to process. Carrying a pen and a notepad might just help in noting down all the information you are going to be getting from your boss, the first day!

Killer stalking skills: Because it’s always better to have an idea of who’s who before you go about bitching about the infrastructure to the boss’s nephew.
A perfect outfit: New joinees always enjoy a certain amount of attention on their first days. So planning out your first-day look that is not too CEOish and not too casual to suggest you’re not serious is perfect.

Perfume/fresh mints: Bad breath and body odour you can leave at home on Day 1 of your new job. After all, you don’t want to be nick-named or remembered as Stinky Jane by your colleagues!

A Positive attitude: To keep you from having a mid-day mental breakdown. First days are always nerve-racking and difficult to absorb. A positive outlook along with a few deep breaths, might take you a long way.

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