Your Ultimate Cheat Sheet To Ensure You’re Always Motivated To Workout

Your Ultimate Cheat Sheet To Ensure You’re Always Motivated To Workout

I thought of going for a run yesterday. I didn’t. I did, however, make a very warm place on the couch with my butt, in front of the TV, but hey it’s the thought that counts, right? Last year, I would go everyday without fail, it was amazing. Then one day I was too tired, so I skipped it thinking there is always tomorrow. Needless to say, I haven’t gone back. Yes, I’m lazy. Sue me! It’s true I lack motivation to get up get dressed put on my shoes and head out the door. Yesterday’s incident got me thinking, I can’t sit on my ass all day, I will turn into a sack. So what can we do to motivate ourselves to seize the day and get a work out in? Here are some points I came up with, take a look!

1) Schedule your workout

Fix a specific time for your workout every day, and don’t sway from it. Do you have the time in mind? Great. Now go to ‘reminders’ in your phone and set a reminder for every day half an hour before your selected time. Leave Sundays out, because Sunday Funday. This schedule will guilt you into working out every day, or at least that’s the hope. Every time you look at your phone there it will be looking right back at you. How are you going to escape that?

2) Pick out workout clothes beforehand

Usually the main motivation to work out isn’t the thought of being fit or being healthy- it’s to look good in clothes. Use the same logic. The right motivation comes from the right clothes. Think about it. If you have this hot new sports bra and a smart hoodie and tights to pair it with wouldn’t that be motivation enough to get dressed and get your butt out the door? So instead of waiting for your reminder to ring, why not just plan your outfit out in your head beforehand? That way you’re already pumped about the workout.

3) Get workout buddies

Everything is always more fun with your friends around. If they are as lazy as you convince them a workout is exactly what you’ll need. Once you’ve got your workout buddies, if you’re ever demotivated, the others will always get you in the mood you can be sure of that, and vice-versa of course.

4) Make a pumped-up playlist

If there is one thing that gets us all through the day and essentially through life, it is our music. And that is exactly what you need to use to get all pumped up for your workout sessions. Make a playlist of all your favourite peppy songs and start playing the playlist while you’re getting dressed. That way when it is time to begin, you’ll be so pumped up the workout will be a cake walk.

5) Remember the euphoric feeling and the after-work out glow

For the longest time I heard people say running or exercising is a high. I never believed that, then I started going for a jog every day that’s when I realized, they weren’t lying. The endorphins running through you, the adrenaline that has you all energetic, the satisfying exhaustion you feel after the work out and of course the sheen of the after workout glow, are all unmatched feelings. They are all pretty damn addictive too and that’s what keeps you motivated to keep going.

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