6 Diet Trends That Are Actually Harmful For Your Body

6 Diet Trends That Are Actually Harmful For Your Body

What’s the one thing that we all focus on when it comes to fitness and weight loss? Diet, right? After all, you are what you eat. But these days, diets are the new fad to shed weight quicker. While that’s not a bad thing, it’s important to understand that diets are not magic. Rushing into losing weight can actually be harmful to your health especially if you don’t consume adequate nutrition. With new diet trends coming up every day, promising magical results, we all need to be careful with which weight loss plan we follow for our fitness regime and goals. That being said, there are some diets that are actually detrimental for your mental as well as your physical health. Here’s a list of bad diet trends that are harmful to your health.

1. Carnivore Diet

Much like its name, this diet is all about meat and eggs. While it may seem like a great weight loss plan to try if you’re a hardcore non-vegetarian, it includes high-saturated fat intake which can increase your cholesterol levels putting you at the risk of several chronic health conditions. It also cuts down your nutrition intake.

2. Whole30

This diet usually seems like a healthy thing as it involves eating fresh fruits and vegetables while eliminating added sugar, dairy, alcohol, baked goods along with grains and legumes from your food plan. The Whole20 diet plan focuses on whole food intake but removing items like legumes and grains is unsafe for your health. In fact, it is known to take a toll on one’s sleep cycle and it can make you feel more exhausted leading to high-calorie intake.

3. Paleo-Vegan AKA Pegan Diet

Considering it’s all about veganism, it can very restrictive. The Pegan diet includes a lot of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and oils, it does remove dairy, processed foods and gluten from your food intake completely. This is not a conventional vegan food trend meaning that you are allowed to consume certain dairy products but apart from being expensive, it also shuns some essential nutrients which can put you at the risk of health problems.

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4. Cleanse

Any sort of cleansing diet that requires you to cut down on your regular nutritional and food intake can be extremely dangerous for your physical health. Liquid cleanses including juices and detox mixtures lack essential supplements that are important for your body on a day-to-day basis.

5. Keto

Though it’s one of the most common diets, research suggests that it can have a severe impact on your organs like kidneys and cause damage to your body. Putting too much pressure on your body for weight loss can never be good so, if you’ve been on a keto diet for a while, now would be a great time to stop for the sake of your kidney.

6. General Motors diet

This 7-day weight loss plan commonly known as the GM diet can actually cause weight gain. Yes, you read that right. It usually restricts your intake of whole grains, dairy, sugar and processed food items, allowing your body to detox and shed weight but when your resume your regular food intake after a week, you will end up gaining all the weight that you lost. Apart from not being a solid long-term plan, this can also cause nutritional deficiencies.

Psst…if you really want to follow a good weight loss eating plan, we would recommend seeing a nutritionist instead. Stay safe and healthy, guys!

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