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Your Horoscope This Week

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HauterScopes is a weekly column with exclusive horoscope readings for you. Check back every Monday for insights on your week ahead when it comes to love, career, and general well-being. We promise it’s going to be awesome!


For Aries, the power card of the week ahead is the Magician – the number one of the deck, the card of beginnings – numerically speaking. This card usually makes its appearance when you’re at the point in life where you’re willing to give in wholeheartedly to creative energies and harness the power of the universe – besides your time-developed skills and natural drive. The time when you can use all this energy and passion towards making your dream project a reality. This is a card that signals a successful end to every endeavour you’re working towards. And if you don’t have a specific dream goal in mind fret not because this is also a good time to meditate on what you should be doing, and subsequently to steamroll your journey towards that.


This week for Taurus is ruled by the Queen of Cups, bringing forth a time of complete emotional security. In fact don’t be surprised if this week you find yourself as the central shoulder-to-cry-on for friends, you’re in a position of connecting strongly with those around you on an emotional level. This is also a time of strong intuition so listen to what the inner voice says on sheer instinct and let it be the guide. Indulge in some creative pursuits this week, take an art class, attend a theatre workshop with your partner, use these channels to express yourself.


The card steering the week for Gemini is Strength but let’s explore the significance of this card beyond the obvious tropes of your undefeatable inner strength and ability to endure anything life’s throwing your way. This card speaks equally of compassion, of acceptance being patient with the imperfections of those around you – and thus creating a space and energy for them to grow as equally. Think of it as the feminine (read nurturing) side of strength as opposed to the dominating energy of passion and drive.


The card for Cancer this week is the Moon, a card of the ‘shadow’ self. This signals a tendency of projecting your inner fears and insecurities onto those around you. This could be anything from ego struggles with a friend to making someone seem morally corrupt in order to cut them off. This propensity for projection is often involuntary and unconsciously done so this week is a time of being more aware of the inner self and your perception and how it changes your view of the world around you. Analyse the negative blocks in your personality and see where you can avoid roadblocks in the future from it.


This week for Leo promises to be a challenging one with the Five of Swords coming in to play. This is a card rife with conflict and tension – this could be from friction with a colleague at work or even a misunderstanding with a family member. Things get complicated when the stress of one sphere bleeds into the other the point here is to overcome these stressors at all costs and hold strong to that inner faith. On the other hand if you’ve been working towards a specific project this is the time to grit down even harder and continue the journey, passivity is passe!


For Virgo this week is one of manifestation and realising the power of intent with the Page of Pentacles driving your energy. This is a card that in itself depicts a rather dreamy picture, one where the things that have been long since desired have come to fruition and is now the focal point of all your enthusiasm and focus. This is the time of planning and clarity of thought with a caution of keeping both feet firmly planted on the ground and not let the dreams sway you.


The card in play for Libra this week is Strength, one that speaks directly to your indomitable inner strength and belief system. You have all the tools you need within you – a balance of the crazy fiery passion that drives you forward that is tempered by your patient and collected inner guide. The determination to get what you want can sometimes take over everything in terms of your mental sphere, remember tunnel vision can only get you so far. So before that turns into a beast and you fall into old ways of ignoring the bigger picture, listen to the voice that draws on your strength of restraint.


For Scorpio this week plays out with the Four of Pentacles, a card of being in control of things and securing your material possessions. Now, this is a precarious position and one that depends on your frame of mind to stay balanced – it could swing positively or negatively. With the abundance of material rewards coming your way one thing is guaranteed and that is your realisation of the value for these gains. This is a time to be secure in your investments and not gamble in any frivolous ventures but don’t take it so far as to be possessive and greedy with it. Sometimes even loaning money to a friend could be potentially beneficial to you in the long run – so far as you settle terms beforehand – so proceed but with caution.


For Sagittarius the card this week is the Ace of Cups wherein the ace represents a beginning, a time of firsts, a new energy and the suite of cups deals with love, emotions, and energy connections. This week is all about emotional and spiritual fulfillment, of spreading the love around whether it is within the friend circle or your family. This caring energy also has the power to draw people to you – because who doesn’t love someone radiating positive energy right? On the flipside if there’s a friend or lover where you’ve left business unfinished, the time is right for a peaceful end, a closure, a space for forgiveness. Basically, you take care of you and move on.


The card in play for Capricorn this week is Death, the ultimate leveller, the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. This cycle could be anything from a behaviour pattern, a relationship, a project at work or even the way you see yourself. Note that this ending brings about a major transformation, and such a shift in perspective doesn’t come easy but you have the people who can help see you through this. The thing about change is its inevitability and the more you resist it, the more painful these endings become. So swallow the pill with a smile and gear up for what’s next.


For Aquarius this is the week of giving as the Father of Pentacles puts you in a position where people seek you out for advice and guidance. Worry not, it isn’t all going to be philosophical or existential but you are most definitely in a position to inspire those around you with your ambition and indomitable energy to get to your dream goals. The time has come to reap the benefits of your hard work and all those late nights at the office, bask in the glory and praise and a time – however brief – of having no struggles.


For Pisces the Hanged Man speaks of a time of suspension, a feeling that you’re floating through space and there’s nothing pulling you in or pushing you outward. This can be a confusing time, one where you question whether you’re doing the right thing but change is on the horizon so take this time to give in to the flow of things and let them unfold of their own accord. In terms of decisions this is more a time of reflection and looking inward, rather than taking action so follow that fridge-magnet advice and take each day as it comes. We recommend a nice outdoor cafe and herbal tea.

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