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Novelist Kiran Manral Shared On Twitter How Her Self-Care Day Got “Scrambled” After An Epic Beauty Fail. It’s Hilarious

Over this lockdown, if there is one thing I have learned how to do it’s how to keep myself entertained. From binge-watching Netflix to scrolling mindlessly through Instagram for hours at end, I think I have done it all. In fact, I even went one step further and finally learned how to make my roti’s round (does that make me an ideal future bahu now?). These last few months have been as eye-opening as they have been horrible. 

In my quest to find entertainment, I also found myself enjoying a few things that I never particularly paid attention to before. For instance, I started applying face masks, sheet masks, even hair masks and trying to stick to a skincare routine. Trust me, it’s not as easy as they show on those tutorials. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of perseverance. And even though it’s doing wonders for my skin and hair, forming this routine consisted of a lot of trial and error. And there was a time when things went horribly wrong. Who knew I was allergic to tea tree oil? And that castor oil takes so freaking long to get out of the hair? Ugh, that was an epic fail. 

Speaking of which, the reason I am enlightening you’ll about my journey to skincare is that I learned the hard way that sometimes, some ingredients or some products just don’t sit well together. But then again, I am sure you’ll already know that. Nevertheless, novelist Kiran Manral put out a warning on Twitter after she encountered a beauty fail herself. 

Taking to Twitter, she shared her experience when she applied an egg and honey hair mask. Sounds lovely, right? The two are known to be extremely nutritious for the hair. But then things went south for her as soon as she stepped into the shower. Any guesses why? Well, let me just tell you. She used hot water to rinse it out instead of cold, a rookie mistake. 

The hot water mixed with egg and honey formed kind of a scrambled egg situation in her hair. *Shudders*, it sounds so gross but at the same time, I couldn’t stop laughing to myself when I read about this. Although, some part of me thinks that breakfast shower is actually a pretty good idea. 

I really wish she would’ve made a video, it would definitely go up on the epic beauty fail’s wall of fame. That video would probably be watched more times than the video of the woman burning her hair off with a straightener and then screaming. Okay, I watch a lot of beauty fail video’s, don’t judge me.

This is hilarious and the fact that Kiran then posted a warning on Twitter about this just makes it so much better. If you read between the lines, the tweet in itself speaks volumes about what a smelly and slimy crime scene her hair must’ve been like. She wrote, “If you have slathered on an egg and honey hair pack, DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT, get into a hot water shower. Sincerely, Someone who just found out what can happen.” 

If you relate to this, I feel very bad for you. Of course, this cracked everyone on social media up. You have to admit, it’s pretty funny. A few people online made a lot of bhurji and omelette jokes while others shared their own stories.  

Also Read: How One Pillowcase Changed My Skincare Game

Check it out:

You know, it’s when I read stories like these that I am extremely thankful that I am super lazy. To me, putting and honey in my hair just seems like a lot of work and especially after the castor oil incident.

Although, I don’t know who needs to hear this – please listen to Kiran and learn from her mistakes. I don’t think anyone wants to be in this sticky situation.

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