Here’s Why Selena Gomez Is The Most Popular Celeb On Instagram!

Here’s Why Selena Gomez Is The Most Popular Celeb On Instagram!

Becoming an Instagram influencer is a career now, and I don’t know where the world is heading. Teens now aspire to get that ‘k’ next to their number of followers on the gram. It’s a sad reality, but well, we’ve come too far to look back.

Leading the Insta brigade is pop star-actress, Selena Gomez. With 131 million followers, she is the most followed celebrity on the immensely popular social media site. That’s almost 4 times the population of Canada.

And if you’re wondering who is the most followed Indian celebrity, it is Deepika Padukone. Sort of expected it, no? But she is at 20.7 million. Considering the population of our nation, you at least expected her to be in the 100s. At least I did.

Coming back to the question at hand – why and how did she become the most popular? Well, we did a little research and it’s time you take out your journals to note these tips down. Oh, also she gets paid around 3.5 crore for one Insta post. One. Seriously, what are we doing with our lives?

1. Date Famous People

Sure-shot Insta fame, guaranteed. Selena has on and off dated current beau, Justin Beiber and had a lovely stint with the singer, The Weeknd. Her fan following merging with theirs is just a mind-blowing combo.

Also, you should look at being highly controversial. Taylor Swift is also proof of this point as just 2 years ago, Tay-Tay was the most-followed celeb.

So, remember to date a celeb and surround yourself with a web of controversy. Simple.

2. Have An Amazing BFF

By amazing I mean, Taylor Swift. Recently, Selena posted a cutesy wish for Swift, and it broke the Internet. People are obsessed with their besties, and if yours is a famous singer, then you have nothing to worry about.

3. Post Very Selectively

She doesn’t go all out while posting stuff from her professional or personal life, like many other celebs do. She posts maybe once a week and something that is truly worth talking about.

The key is not to spam, but leave your fans wanting more. So, if you have a massive fan following, you have your name written in the Instagram club.

4. When You Do Post — Be All Mushy!

The emotional connect has been mastered by this 25-year-old actress. With crisp, real captions, it feels like she’s one of us. Talking about her friends, her illness, her relationships or just casually being a quirky person, she adds that personal element that makes her even more lovable.

But, quite honestly, if you and I do this, people might just ask us to take our PDA somewhere else, or call us a little retarded.

5. Be A Teen Sensation

Or a popular Disney actress. Or even a hit series producer. Anything works!

Japleen Kaur

Hauterfly's Lifestyle writer and resident Potterhead. In love with boxes, diaries, food, and conversations. Always in a state of fernweh. (Don't know what that means? Search the site for more!)

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