#HauteSounds: Katy Perry’s New Single Is All Kinds Of Inspirational!

#HauteSounds: Katy Perry’s New Single Is All Kinds Of Inspirational!

Wondering where Katy Perry disappeared to? Well, she’s back now and how! Perry just released her brand new single in three long years, titled Rise. This track is the theme song for NBC’s broadcast of the Summer Olympics 2016, which will be held in Rio de Janiero, Brazil next month. It has been produced by pop legend Max Martin, and the video is riveting. While Perry herself doesn’t appear in it, it’s filled with a montage of images spanning various world-class athletes like Michael Phelps, Missy Franklin, and Usain Bolt. Just watching the video is enough to give us all goosebumps and goals!

The song has a similar get-up-and-fight quality of Perry’s earlier hit Roar thanks to its motivational lyrics. The soaring notes, coupled with the brilliant imagery, is bound to leave you feeling inspired. She pays tribute to all the gymnasts, swimmers, runners and other athletes, who always push themselves to the maximum to achieve success. The song is all about having the courage to believe in yourself even in adverse circumstances. It seems to be cut out for the Olympics, doesn’t it? It will also be played during the opening ceremony on August 5.

Katy Perry says that the song has “been brewing inside me for years, that has finally come to the surface. I was inspired to finish it now, rather than save it for my next album, because now more than ever, there is a need for our world to unite. I hope this song can inspire us to heal, unite, and rise together.”

These are troubled times and an inspiring idea like this couldn’t be more needed.

Sanjana Subramanian

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