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This Video Is The Best Thing You’ll Watch This Independence Day

Fusion National Anthem_Hauterfly

Every year, as 15th August rolls around, a sudden sense of patriotism comes upon us. The urge to wear the tricolour, or buy a flag to keep on our desks. It may seem very superficial, but even if it’s just for a day that we are proud of our nation, then why not?

What many of us forget though, is that with independence, we also lost a part of us. Pakistan became an enemy, maybe forever, and ever since there have been people trying to stop the hatred.

One of those activists is Ram Subramaniam. He runs a YouTube channel called Voice Of Ram. Hardly anybody knew about it, till yesterday. He got together singers from India and Pakistan, who put together a beautiful fusion of the two anthems and instantly touched thousands of hearts.

It is true that if anything in this world can make borders disappear, it is music. These musicians and their soulful voices have attempted once again to make the two nations one. Whether they’ll succeed is a big question mark, but what I can say for now is that this video will give you goosebumps and make you tear up a bit.

And if that happens… well, their battle is already half won!

Watch the video above and welcome Independence Day with open arms!

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