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Worst Beauty Trends Of 2022 That We’d Like To Leave Behind


2022 is coming to an end and we’re all gearing up to ring in 2023. This year has been all about beauty and skincare and as a true blue beauty girl, I’ve closely followed all beauty trends. While there are loads of trends that I’m not willing to say goodbye to, there are some that I can’t wait to leave behind. 2022 may have taught us some amazing beauty hacks but this year, we also saw some of the worst beauty trends that we just don’t wanna see ever again.

1. Slugging

This trend includes coating your face in petroleum jelly to beat skin dryness. While this is a great way to moisturise your skin, god save you from all the skin woes that it can lead to! And let’s be honest, in a time when we’re looking for the most natural and clean skincare products, do we really want to put products with CRUDE OIL on our faces?

2. Sunscreen Contour

As much as we love to contour, using sunscreen to get a tan for a naturally contoured look is still something we cannot get our heads around. I mean, what’s so appealing about getting a sun tan and damaged skin for contour lines is really messed up and extremely difficult to reverse.

3. Primer Replacements

In 2022, for some unfathomable reason, the trend of replacing primer with other things like deo and lubricant was in fad. A primer is essential for your makeup base but social media beauty trends have touted absurd hacks like using a lubricant to get smooth skin or deo for a mattifying primer look. We hope this trend isn’t something we take with us in 2023.

Also Read: 10 Beauty Trends To Expect In 2023. We Can’t Wait To Try ‘Em Out!

4. Eerie Eyebrows

Eyebrow trends are ones that are ever-evolving and we see the trend go from bushy and natural eyebrows to perfectly shaped ones and whatnot. But one of the worst beauty trends we saw in 2022 was the extremely thin eyebrow or shaved-off eyebrows trend. I mean, what even!

5. Period Blood Skincare

2022 has been all about skincare and as amazing as that sounds, the reality is that this year we saw some truly horrifying skincare trends as well. One such trend was the period blood skincare trend. Yep, I’m not even kidding. Picked up on social media, this trend was all about putting your period blood on your face as a mask for better skin. Not only does that sound unhygienic but it’s also as good as welcoming skin woes thanks to all the bacteria from the vajajay being transferred to your face!

6. Henna Freckles

Freckles are super cute, we get it but fake freckles made from henna aren’t! This year we witnessed a trend of using henna to make fake, temporary freckles and I can’t even begin to imagine how weird it feels and smells! Also, let’s not forget the risk of skin problems.

7. Vampire Skin

Now, I know all the Edward Cullen fans love the shiny vampire look but we’re not big fans of this trend. The Vampire skin trend is all about mixing glitter or highlighter with your foundation for a dramatic glow or rather an iridescent finish. As a Twilight fan, that’s very appealing but in real life, yeah no, thanks.

8. Fake Eye Bags

Even though the beauty industry depends on dealing with skin woes, for some reason, the bizarre trend of creating fake eye bags and dark circles emerged as a huge beauty trend. What started as a trend to get people to embrace their skin problems led to people creating fake eye bags and dark circles. Ye kya logic hua?

Also Read: From Serums To Vinyl Lips, Best Beauty Trends Of 2022

NGL but I’m more than ready to bid adieu to these trends and welcome some good new beauty trends in 2023. These horrifying beauty trends really made us cringe in 2022.

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