What Is Inknut Powder And How Can It Brighten Your Under-Eyes?

Ayurvedic is good!
What Is Inknut Powder And How Can It Brighten Your Under-Eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes can be a common beauty woe, often attributed to factors like lack of sleep, stress, or genetics. While concealer can work wonders for a quick fix, there’s a natural remedy that’s been gaining popularity in the world of beauty and skincare – inknut. So if you too are intrigued by this ayurvedic remedy, read on to find out more on what inknut is and how to use it effectively to combat those pesky dark circles.

What is Inknut?

Inknut, also known as Terminalia Chebula or Haritaki, is a small fruit that’s native to Southeast Asia and has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It’s revered for its numerous health benefits, including its potential to address various skin concerns, such as dark circles.


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How Inknut Helps with Dark Circles

1. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Inknut contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce puffiness and inflammation around the eyes, which often accompany dark circles.

2. Antioxidant Power: Rich in antioxidants, inknut helps protect the delicate skin around the eyes from oxidative stress, which can contribute to the formation of dark circles.

3. Improved Circulation: Inknut can enhance blood circulation, promoting better oxygen and nutrient flow to the under-eye area, which can reduce the appearance of dark circles.

How to Use Inknut for Dark Circles

Now that we know the benefits of inknut, let’s explore how to incorporate it into your skincare routine:

Inknut Powder:

1. Mix a small amount of inknut powder with water to create a paste.

2. Apply the paste to the dark circles under your eyes.

3. Allow it to sit for 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off using lukewarm water.

4. For optimal results, perform this routine 2-3 times a week.

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Inknut Oil:

1. Gently massage a few drops of inknut oil into the skin around your eyes.

2. Allow it to remain on your skin overnight, and then cleanse your face in the morning.

3. You can use inknut oil daily as part of your nighttime skincare routine.


Incorporating inknut into your skincare routine, whether through DIY methods or commercial products, can potentially help you achieve a brighter and more refreshed appearance. However, individual results may vary, so patience and consistency are key when using natural remedies like inknut for dark circles.


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Sakshi Singh

She’s a skincare junkie, a fashion fiend, and a creative tornado in one package. Off-duty, either she is shopping or baking up yum!

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