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#AskHauterfly: What Is Dry Brushing?

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Winter has finally embraced us and, with the cold weather catching up to our skin, we find ourselves in a ‘flaky’ situation. No, we aren’t whining about the awesome weather — just more around the fact that the chill does come with these annoying frills. Usually with the cold, your skin tends to get dry and itchy. That’s when dry brushing will most likely become your best friend. So what exactly is dry brushing? A method of exfoliation that eliminates dead and dry skin cells, leaving your body feeling soft and supple. It doesn’t take hours, costs pretty much nothing, and works miracles for your skin.

Everyone knows that your skin is that largest organ in the body, through which a lot of waste and toxins are excreted (ewww!). By dry brushing your skin, you literally scrub out that disgusting layer that clogs your pores. Dry brushing literally means using a body brush, without water, to exfoliate your skin. This also stimulates your lymphatic system — the part of you that helps flush out that crap! Usually when opting for a brush, choose one with natural bristles over synthetic ones. Scrub yourself, but make sure not to over exfoliate. Once you’re done, run your body under some warm water to wash out the layer of grime. Lastly, pat yourself dry and apply a soothing oil to your skin. No amount of scrubs, loofahs or body washes can provide the same supple effect that dry brushing does.

So get yourself a brush and scrub, scrub and scrub those toxins away!


Natural Bristles Spa Bath Back Scrubber (Rs 710)


Panache Natural Sisal Bath Brush (Rs 224)


Basic complexion Massage Brush (Rs 221)
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