10 Tips To Nourish Your Skin After A Steamy Session Of Oral Sex!

We need the glow after too!
10 Tips To Nourish Your Skin After A Steamy Session Of Oral Sex!

Embarking on moments of intimacy, whether it’s enjoying a facial, experiencing oral sex, or engaging in any form of closeness, calls for a mindful approach to skincare afterward. Taking care of your skin post-intimacy is not just about maintaining hygiene; it’s a practice in self-care and well-being. Here’s a detailed guide with 10 skincare tips to ensure your skin remains radiant and refreshed after those intimate moments.

1. Gentle Cleansing Ritual

After any intimate activity such as your partner sitting on your face and getting it wet with their cum can make your skin prone to germs, so start by gently cleansing your skin. Choose a mild, hydrating cleanser to effectively remove any residue without compromising your skin’s natural oils.

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2. Hydrate for Radiance

An intense steamy oral sex can make your face tired, so rehydrate your skin by applying a nourishing moisturizer. This step is crucial for maintaining skin elasticity and providing a soft, supple feel.

3. Exfoliation with Caution

While exfoliation is an essential part of skincare, opt for a gentle exfoliator if needed. Harsh scrubs may lead to irritation, so treat your skin kindly to avoid any discomfort.

4. Soothing Aloe Vera Magic

Oral sex requires a lot of getting face-to-face with pubic hair, which can irritate your skin so make sure to harness the soothing properties of aloe vera to calm any redness or irritation. Applying aloe vera gel post-intimacy can leave your skin feeling rejuvenated.

5. Cool Compress Comfort

If there’s redness or irritation after oral sex and it is still inflamed, consider using a cool compress. This can effectively reduce redness and puffiness, offering a sense of relief to your skin.

6. Fragrance-Free for Comfort

After oral sex, your skin turns very sensitive, so fragrances can be irritating, especially in sensitive areas like the area around the lips. Opt for fragrance-free products to ensure a comfortable and irritation-free skincare routine.

7. Breathe In Comfort

Avoid putting on heavy layers of skincare, as it can clog your pores and trap the bacteria from the oral in your skin which in turn can result in a breakout too. So make sure you keep your skincare as minimal and hydrating as possible.

8. Internal Hydration Matters

Don’t forget to hydrate from the inside out. Drinking plenty of water aids in flushing out toxins and maintaining overall skin hydration for that plump glow.

9. Sunscreen: A Day-After Essential

If your intimate moments took place outdoors, be mindful of sun exposure the next day. Applying sunscreen is crucial to shield your skin from harmful UV rays and prevent potential damage.

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10. Listen to Your Skin

Every individual’s skin reacts uniquely. Pay close attention to your skin’s signals and adjust your skincare routine accordingly. If you notice any unusual changes or discomfort, seeking guidance from a skincare professional is advisable.

Tending to your skin post-intimacy is a holistic practice that extends beyond mere hygiene.


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Sakshi Singh

She’s a skincare junkie, a fashion fiend, and a creative tornado in one package. Off-duty, either she is shopping or baking up yum!

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